Author Topic: NPC Diaglouge Enhancements todo list  (Read 4210 times)


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NPC Diaglouge Enhancements todo list
« on: March 13, 2007, 05:21:04 pm »
NPC Diaglouge Enhancements todo list. This is a general guide to follow for doing NPCs when you get all the Chapters written.

(**) means that text upgrades as story progresses.

Each area such as towns should have a book or two.

Guarida Millennial Fair
-Truce Village NPC's (**)
-a few Millennial Fair NPCs (** - upgrade what they say)

The Queen Returns
-add some Truce Canyon storyline??
-Truce Village NPCs (**)
-Guardia Castle NPCs (**)

The Queen is Missing
-Truce Village NPCs (** - upgrade what they say)
-Guardia Castle NPCs (**)

We're Back
-Millennial Fair NPCs (**)

The Trial

Beyond the Ruins
Trann Dome (**)
Arris Dome (**)

Factory Ruins

The End of Time

The Village of Magic
Medina (**)
Millennial Fair NPCs (**)

The Hero Appears
Towns (Truce, Porre, Sandarino) upgrade their text as events unfold.

Tata and the Frog
Towns (Truce, Porre, Sandarino) upgrade their text as events unfold.

The Ancient Mineral: Dreamstone
Ioka upgrades text

Footsteps! Follow!
Ioka upgrades text

Towns (Truce, Porre, Sandarino) upgrade their text as events unfold.

Magus's Castle

Forward to the Past
Ioka upgrades text

Unnatural Selection?
Ioka/Laruba upgrade text

The Magic Kingdom
Zeal areas upgrade as choices/events unfold
(I want to add alot of things that you can choose to do in Zeal that effect things later)

Break the Seal

The Guru on Mt. Woe

What lies Beyond?
- All of Zeal/Algetty will upgrade
Ioka/Laruba upgrade text (Laruba is rebuilt)

Lavos Beckons

The New King
Last Village Commons and tents upgrade (alot more "survivors" found)

The Time Egg
(all towns and areas upgrade in this chapter as sidequests & events are completed, and choices are made)

The Fated Hour
(all towns and areas upgrade in this chapter as sidequests & events are completed, and choices are made)
Medina MASSIVELY upgrades after Ozzie is defeated

The Final Battle

One thing to keep in mind is when we add decisions, they will affect other timelines later. A good example is the girl in Zeal with the plant, if you tell her to plant it then Marco will return and you can do the Sunken Desert Quest later. I want to add ALOT of event like this so there are MANY more possible ways to play through this game.


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Re: NPC Diaglouge Enhancements todo list
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2007, 05:29:25 pm »
Also, we should have alot more enemies say stuff before they attack you. Especially humanoid types.
One thing I would also like to do is have some Zealeans practically worship Lavos... or have some kind of cult that
thinks he's a god.


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Re: NPC Diaglouge Enhancements todo list
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2007, 11:26:24 pm »

Zeal Throneroom (if you don't walk into the room right away, they should be talking about the progress of the Ocean Palace & Lavos)

Lavos before Final Battle

(to be updated)


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Re: NPC Diaglouge Enhancements todo list
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2007, 02:09:12 am »
I added a few NPCs:

Truce Village Ticket Office:

{Scholar}:Sometimes a mysterious whirlpool
appears in the ocean near here.{page break}
I am a scholar that is studying
the cause of this anomaly.{page break}
I'll let you know if I find out anything.{null}

<after you return from Heckran Caves>
{Scholar}:I have been studying the whirlpool
and found a link between the
anomaly and the Heckran Caverns.{null}

Snail Stop: (if we get room to add the Frozen Caves)
{Scholar}:I am a scholar that is studying
the theory of glacieral caves.{page break}
It is said that some caves were the
product of glaciers inside of a
mountain.{page break}
I believe the mountain north west
of here may have had such a cave
over ten thousand years ago.{null}

Choras Mayors Manor 1F:
{Scholar}:I am a scholar that is studying
the activity of prehistoric volcanoes.{page break}
I believe this area may have been
extremely active over 65 million years

If you think of any NPC's or cut-scenes, this's the topic to post them in.


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Re: NPC Diaglouge Enhancements todo list
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2007, 09:47:35 am »
NPC system: (here's the lowdown, of how I am coding this!)

600 -Middle Ages
People will react differently if Magus is in your party?
People will react differently if Frog or Crono are in the party..(after fall of Magus, then both are considered heros in Middle Ages)

1000 -Millennium
People in Truce talk to Lucca and Crono personally (depending on who's leading the party)
~~everyone else: they just say random dialouge. Dialoug's upgrade throughout the game at storyline points...

(examples of what NPCs say to Crono in Truce/Millennial Fair after certain points)

Start - Crono will be greeted by various people (as if they know him)

After Trial - depending on how "guilty" Crono will be respected or despised by certain people.
Innocent - well respected (people will know the Chancellor is upto something and set you up)
Somewhat Guilty - somewhat respected (people will know the Chancellor is upto something, but wont say what)
Guilty - despised (people will think you are a rotton crook)

After Rbow shell quest (still depending on what you did for the Trial)
Innocent - well respected - people will honour you for saving the King
Somewhat Guilty - somewhat respected (people will know simply admit that the Chancellor was crooked)
Guilty - neutral, they won't think you're a rotton crook anymore

Robo: Robo will be treated with VERY high respect in some areas of 1000 A.F. After all, he will be in the history books for working with the forest for 400 years.

If Robo is leading the party, some people may be act a little fearful of him because he is a robot. :)

Also, I am going to make a conclusion of the people in Geno Dome (the ones that are going across the conyeror belt of doom) - they talk about having to turn off the computer to shut off the belt but there was no resolution to this - wtf?

What I plan to do is make everything shut off after Mother brain... in some parts there are even more powerful robots (for 1337 leveling up of course!) as well as other robots that are no longer hostile. There totally should be a scene where the remainder of the people that were still alive decide that the robots can exits together (or atleast try!)
Now that's a resolution to that place!

For instance here's another "choice" that can slightly affect a later outcome...

Tell Azala about the Gate Key?
  No way!

(if yes)
{Azala}: A time travel device?! Do you think me a fool without a brain like your friend {Ayla}?!
I have something that ought to persuade you to tell me what it really is!{full break}

(if no){Azala}: Oh? Well, I suppose you need some...motivation!{full break}

...later at Tyrano Lair
if yes:
{Azala}: (mumbles to self...) Maybe they really are time travelers... this could be disastrous, I must act quickly!

if no:
{Azala}: I don't know where you strangers come from, but it's time for you to become extinct!
« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 09:53:37 am by Zakyrus »