I don't mean to spam the forums with my constant topics, so this'll be the last one for a while.
Thanks to ZeaLitY and all the others who have been so kind to me, I think I'm ready to create a hack. It will be a 40+ floor dungeon called the Forsaken Demesne, which will feature enemies in increasing power, from pathetic to Damn you Chickenlump! difficulties. I plan to do this by removing several areas from the game and rearranging them together(completely retiling many areas), as well as adding said enemies. Bosses will be frequent as well, and other things will burrow their way in as time passes.
The focus of this project is to breathe some fresh challenge (among other things) into CT.
The nature of this multi-era time anomoly means the game will have to be severely changed. So many things will be different, you might not recognize it as the original game. *hint hint*
(In case you didn't catch the hint, the Forsaken Demesne will not be the entire focus of the hack)
So, wish me luck! No set date on a demo, but that's just the way it is. =P