Poll may be closed, but I'm writing this anyway.
Character Design: I want to throttle whichever designer on the Chrono Cross team thought this woman up. She literally screams "racist depiction of black women by foreign power." It would disgust me more if she had been designed by an American, Canadian, or someone else from around the region of the world the stereotype is based upon, but it's still bad coming from Japan.
Combat Usefulness: Kitchen utensil ahoy! One thing that bugged me about Chrono Cross was how they would create a whole bunch of unique weapon ideas and then just give them to groups of characters. I love the IDEA of using kitchen utensils--even though it's ridiculous from an actual combat standpoint--but it loses the flavour and originality when used by many people.
And of course her techniques are also, again, aimed at the racist depiction...urge to educate against such stupid stereotypes rising...
Tilt: As nightmare said "Why wouldCHA want to talk like this?" It's a stupid, stupid idea to try to "individualize" speaking habits. Sure, individualizing speaking habits is a necessity to keep characters interesting, but it just goes so freaking overboard because they have far too many characters...
Anyway, she at least insults Korcha, and that was funny. And she's understanding of Serge, so she shows at least some compassion, so like V man, I'll bump her up for that.
Final Grade: C