Author Topic: Story, Plot and Chapter Names  (Read 13052 times)


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Re: Story, Plot and Chapter Names
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2007, 01:56:33 am »
the bookm isn't really a prophet, just claims to be, it'll be kind of like byblos from FFV, a minion for the enemy, in the story it could know when you're going to be ambushed, and then tell you that you walk a path of misfortune. also it can easily predict the lives of those controlled.

also just as flea could transform into as bat, we could have the book actually be a wizard who transforms into a book, somewhat CT cliche, but it works for Zelda and BoF.


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Re: Story, Plot and Chapter Names
« Reply #31 on: December 01, 2007, 03:39:45 pm »

After meeting Schala (Get Schala 3/8 through game)
Guile turns 18
He goes to meet Schala
Chats with Soldier
Goes into Shrine
Thinks about life and himself
Schala awakens
Schala talks to Guile
Schala sends Guile to get Sunstone
Guile asks around, and is told about a man asking the same questions
Guile eventually travels to the next town.
He sees a mysterious figure asking about the sunstone
Mysterious Figure leaves
Guile Follows him
MF(Mysterious Figure) enters a portal
Guile walks near portal and gets sucked in
Guile enters human dimension, which he doesn't know

Human Dimension
Lost, Guile heads out into the unknown area
While traveling for a town, he see's a new person reading a sign and heads down to see who it is
The person Dissappears
When he's walking, he is attacked by rustlers asking him for gold
Guile doesn't know what this is, as his home is in another dimension and had a different name for gold coins
They attack guile
First Mini-Boss is them
Guile wins
Guile heads to sign
Magus's pawn is there
He makes vague comments about guile and attacks him
1st Boss Battle
Goes on like a normal boss battle, but when Guile's health hits 1, Damien steps in.  He cures Guile.
Then the real fighting begins.
They win
Damien asks Guile why he was following him
They talk
Damien takes guile to next town which reveals more plot

This will be the demo released to the public ********************************************

Damine digresses to guile how he fell through a dimensional portal, and if Guile wants to get back he'll need to find it. Hpwever it is noe easy task since it is invisible to the human eye,
*Guile will need to find something to see the portal if he watns to find it*

begin first quest

Guile questions the townsfolk, who only seem interested in the local carnival.

Guile goes to carnival, minigames, a show starts.
An acting troupe acts out a play, slash is currently an NPC, the play is based off of shakespearian plays.

a stage effect malfunction happens
the actors are blown to the side, most bounce off of a wall and hit the ground, Slash however slides though the wasll, and his momentum slows down as he hits the wall, the NPCs notice, but don't react, the asctors resume the show, and a backup has already replaced Slash. Guile takes a hint and heads into the wall.

Guile comes to, and he sees a distraught slash freak out and battle some mystics, in confusion Slash runs away, however the mystics see the newcomers as dangerous, and guile is a target. Guile battles through some mystics, trying to find more clues as to how he can get back home. after battling through. guile comes across a distraught slash at a spring who in the middle of an identity crisis attacks guile.

Guile defeats slash and begins to explain roughly what damien explained to him. Slash digresses how all he can remember is how to wield a sword, and he hopes he can be of help to Guile. (Slash's storyline is highlighted by his lack of identity and desire to have one, later on he finds humility in helping Layla with the resistance, and tries to woo her.)

Slash joins

Guile and slash eventually find a mystic town, where they worship a famous leader, who was very adept at magic. The fable involves the magician and his legendary items, on of which is a talisman that enables the wearer top see the "truth" in all things. (the other items could be found later on)

Guile isn't too sure as to what the "truth" is but feels that it may be what he is searching for. Guile and company head to the temple.

The temple is crawling with mystics it is a very famous landmark. Guile asks to guards if they can enter. The guards give them an insurmountable admission fee to pay*the guards had allowed mystics to enter for 5 gil when Guile and slash entered the screen*, the guards ask them to leave. however guile refuses, the guards attack. After fighting guards and visiting Mystics. After going far enough into the temple, the pendant is discovered, after guile grabs it, and they leave the temple, the temple overseer attacks them demanding they return the pendant. Guile and slash both agree they've had enough of this hostility, and defeat the overseer (who later on tries to get the pendant back during each quest involveing the mystic dimension).

Guile wanting to head back home, talks to Slash at the spring, and digresses his quest from Schala. Slash agrees to help him. Before they can ehad back to the portal to the human dimension, a nu advises they save at the nearby savepoint, when guile asks why, the nu responds, "just a hunch"

Guile and Damien battle through a series of angry mystics to get back to the portal, which the pendant has enabled them to find, they escape just in time.

As guile and damien walk out of the carnival Damien stops them...

Well that's the basic outline for the first quest, certain things may change such as temple to tomb, or spring to fork in the road. What matter is getting the pendant.

P.S. when you're sick and in bed you're too lazy to search for typos, sorry folks.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2007, 03:46:58 pm by TheOutlaw »


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Re: Story, Plot and Chapter Names
« Reply #32 on: March 02, 2008, 08:19:22 pm »
After meeting Schala (Get Schala 3/8 through game)
Guile turns 18
He goes to meet Schala
Chats with Soldier
Goes into Shrine
Thinks about life and himself
Schala awakens
Schala talks to Guile
Schala sends Guile to get Sunstone
Guile asks around, and is told about a man asking the same questions
Guile eventually travels to the next town.
He sees a mysterious figure asking about the sunstone
Mysterious Figure leaves
Guile Follows him
MF(Mysterious Figure) enters a portal
Guile walks near portal and gets sucked in
Guile enters human dimension, which he doesn't know

Human Dimension
Lost, Guile heads out into the unknown area
While traveling for a town, he see's a new person reading a sign and heads down to see who it is
The person Dissappears
When he's walking, he is attacked by rustlers asking him for gold
Guile doesn't know what this is, as his home is in another dimension and had a different name for gold coins
They attack guile
First Mini-Boss is them
Guile wins
Guile heads to sign
Magus's pawn is there
He makes vague comments about guile and attacks him
1st Boss Battle
Goes on like a normal boss battle, but when Guile's health hits 1, Damien steps in.  He cures Guile.
Then the real fighting begins.
They win
Damien asks Guile why he was following him
They talk
Damien takes guile to next town which reveals more plot

This will be the demo released to the public ********************************************

Damien digresses to guile how he fell through a dimensional portal, and if Guile wants to get back, he'll need to find it. However it is no easy task since it is invisible to the human eye.
*Guile will need to find something to see the portal if he wants to find it*

Begin First Quest

Guile questions the townsfolk, who only seem interested in the local carnival.

Guile goes to carnival, minigames, a show starts.
An acting troupe acts out a play, slash is currently an NPC, the play is based off of Shakespeareian plays.

A stage effect malfunction happens.
The actors are blown to the side, most bounce off of a wall and hit the ground, Slash however slides though the walls, and his momentum slows down as he hits the wall.  The NPCs notice, but don't react.  The actors resume the show, and a back-up has already replaced Slash. Guile takes a hint and heads into the wall.

Guile comes to, and he sees a distraught Slash freak out and battle some mystics.  In confusion Slash runs away.  However, the Mystics see the newcomers as dangerous, and Guile is a target. Guile battles through some Mystics, trying to find more clues as to how he can get back home.  After battling through, Guile comes across a distraught Slash at a spring, who in the middle of an identity crisis attacks Guile.

Guile defeats Slash and begins to explain roughly what Samien explained to him. Slash digresses how all he can remember is how to wield a sword, and he hopes he can be of help to Guile. (Slash's storyline is highlighted by his lack of identity and desire to have one, later on he finds humility in helping Layla with the resistance, and tries to woo her.)

Slash joins

Guile and slash eventually find a mystic town, where they worship a famous leader, who was very adept at magic. The fable involves the magician and his legendary items, on of which is a talisman that enables the wearer top see the "truth" in all things. (the other items could be found later on)

Guile isn't too sure as to what the "truth" is but feels that it may be what he is searching for. Guile and company head to the temple.

The temple is crawling with mystics it is a very famous landmark. Guile asks to guards if they can enter. The guards give them an insurmountable admission fee to pay*the guards had allowed mystics to enter for 5 gil when Guile and slash entered the screen*, the guards ask them to leave. however guile refuses, the guards attack. After fighting guards and visiting Mystics. After going far enough into the temple, the pendant is discovered, after guile grabs it, and they leave the temple, the temple overseer attacks them demanding they return the pendant. Guile and slash both agree they've had enough of this hostility, and defeat the overseer (who later on tries to get the pendant back during each quest involveing the mystic dimension).

Guile wanting to head back home, talks to Slash at the spring, and digresses his quest from Schala. Slash agrees to help him. Before they can ehad back to the portal to the human dimension, a nu advises they save at the nearby savepoint, when guile asks why, the nu responds, "just a hunch"

Guile and Damien battle through a series of angry mystics to get back to the portal, which the pendant has enabled them to find, they escape just in time.

As guile and damien walk out of the carnival Damien stops them...
"Quite an interesting turn of events, wouldn't you say, Mr Slash?"
"How do you know my Name?"
-Damien digress more of the ideas behind the portals, the dimensions, and what he's been doing.
Asks them if they'd like to help him bring about change, since slash is proof, everyone
has a personality unique to themselves, and it is wrong to be controlled in such a manor.
Guile and Slash agree for the moment and Damien suggests they head south.

"South Town"
Upon entering South Town it is destroyed in a mess of Lightning flooding and a Tornado

**Slash wakes guile up, and they find out Guile has been rendered mute...(3rd Demo ending Only)**
Slash and Guile wake up to find a young (15-16) lolita girl standing over them. She get's scared and runs away.
Guile and Slash converse on the size of her bust, and how cute her face was, CUTSCENE
Slash and Guile Fight over who gets rights to flirt, both are interrupted by a group of robots, and knocked unconscious
CUTSCENE: Arris enters a shabby laborotory, and digress with her pink robot how she saw two boys for the first time,
The robot is overjoyed that at last Arris has found potential mates, and that the human race will survive. She tells Arris to go wash up,
After Arris leaves The Pink Robot Commands other Robots two find the two Males and Bring them to her.

Remember mostly just string ideas, revisions likely to occur
« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 03:15:29 pm by justin3009 »


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Re: Story, Plot and Chapter Names
« Reply #33 on: March 08, 2008, 10:49:17 pm »
well i was brainstorming, and i came up with an idea.

unique to the chrono series, the title usually refrences a item of great power(chrono cross, trigger, etc) and a very intresting concept came to my mind. this item would be called(obviously) time's illusion, an object similar to a pocket watch, but what makes it different is that it has no numbers but seven particular insignia's, each one that corrospondes to a demension. and when this item is powered it can create portals to recently locked demsions. and under certain circumstance it could allign all the dimensions so that they could combine.

well that's my idea, i hope it's of some use to you.
it could be easier than using the pendant to find demensions.  :)


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Re: Story, Plot and Chapter Names
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2008, 12:10:49 pm »
That actually sounds pretty cool.  Maybe allowing them to have the "TI" would allow them to go back and forth via like the Epoch in CT.  That was actually a very clever idea Satchel.


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Re: Story, Plot and Chapter Names
« Reply #35 on: March 10, 2008, 08:04:23 pm »
Time's Illusion could be the nae of the supercomputer, that separates the dimensions.

not a bad idea to bring up SD