Author Topic: Chrono Cross Italian Translation! CT Soundtrack, Concerts Page, Fan Art  (Read 1496 times)


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SadNES cITy translation group have released a comprehensive Italian translation of Chrono Cross. To download and check it out, visit this page. Also, thanks to Sephiroth 1311 for helping with ripping Chrono Cross's assets. Here are some quick screenshots; many more await you on SNC's page! Download from a Compendium mirror by clicking here.

By the way, if you weren't here for Halloween, flash dooooown \/ \/ \/ for a Chrono Crisis art update. Now, an important update to the Chrono Trigger SPC soundtrack. Myria made a few alterations to the SPCs for 02 Chrono Trigger and 22 The Hidden Truth, making both play their entire pieces according to OSV length. Basically, this means no more two-part songs! Though a one-shot Chrono Trigger SPC was naturally available from the Prerelease, this is the first time such a thing's been done and publicly released for Chrono Trigger music. Update your archive by downloading the soundtrack here, and learn how Myria did it in this forum thread. Let's give it up for Myria, who helped release the English translation of Final Fantasy V ten years ago.

Let's move to general news.  [1]  I've created a Concerts page to cover filmed concerts involving Chrono series music. Only concerts in which a video or audio recording of a Chrono song exists will be included. Where online videos are available, they're linked next to track names. There's a lot of good stuff here; thanks to Radical R for giving me the impetus to finally do this. Find it here. It's a work in progress, though.  [2]  Luminaire85 has modified a work of Cory Doctorow to create a Chrono Fan Project Failure Disclaimer. It's pretty hilarious (and true), so if you'd like to see it, it's above the Abandoned section of our fan projects page[3]  Here's the fan art update. Thanks to V Translanka for bringing the BLOM pics to my attention. [ Flash of Green - Science (Lucca) || Bryon Lee O'malley (website is here) - Harle - Leah ]

Lastly, we're by no means done ripping the assets of Chrono Cross (or you'd see some character models in this update). If you want to help, check the File Structure page and File Exploration thread.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2007, 02:23:54 am by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Chrono Cross Italian Translation! CT Soundtrack, Concerts Page, Fan Art
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2007, 10:38:00 pm »
Kenpachi scaring everyone off? This seems to be a tremendously unpopular update, with only 40 views two days later. Anyone have an opinion on the concert page or other feedback?


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Re: Chrono Cross Italian Translation! CT Soundtrack, Concerts Page, Fan Art
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2007, 12:02:17 am »
Regarding the file structure page Zeality, I think some tutorials on a.) how to rip a Chrono Cross game CD image (both ways) and b.) how to setup and use Yazoo's tools are warranted. I can go ahead and assemble those tuts and post them on that page if you don't mind. It would certainly be beneficial to get some other folks exploring the game CD, and some tutorials will hopefully encourage others to join in.

As for Nemesis' tools, I think I could use a tutorial myself. :mrgreen:  Has anyone successfully used them yet? I've never surmounted the fseek.c error at line 146 when I run the batch files. I think Nemesis' tools will prove very useful, especially the LZSS decompression function it appears to have. But I wonder which data is compressed?

It's always awesome to hear Yasunori Mitsuda's work played at a live concert, even if it's on Youtube. Thanks for posting that for those of us who live out in the boonies and never get a chance to see that sort of thing!