Hi, I'm new here. I've been a fan of Chrono Trigger for ages and have frequented the Compendium many a time throughout the years, I've enjoyed reading a lot of the articles and I'd call myself a fan of the place.
Weird thing is I've never played Chrono Cross. I basically just used the Compendium to roughly get the story of the game. Never could get emulation to work either.
Anyway, with all the new stuff coming from CT:DS, it motivated me to watch Chrono Cross on YouTube. (I'm a student with a lot of time to kill)
For the record I quite like the music (though some tracks are just annoying and I imagine no one who played the game would ever want to hear the battle theme again) and agree that it couldn't be called objectively bad.
Again, I don't know about the gameplay. I can only presume it's very good for the game to have this much of a fanbase.
I don't fall into some kind of category of hating the game because I couldn't play as Crono or Magus or whatever. And I know the game wasn't "loosely" linked to CT or whatever and that CT set everything in this game up. (though I do consider it a minor flaw that only Lucca and Schala are directly linked to CC)
But I'm sorry, I think that it is one of the most poorly written stories. Ever.
(yes, I realise this isn't going to make me any friends here)
My biggest problem is best illustrated with these examples:
The Dragon Tear (when placed in the top of the Dragonian Tower and surrounded by the dragon statue things) lets the bad guy swap bodies with you and it lets you get a new version of your old body.
And the shards of the two Dragon Tears when placed on those things in that place in the middle of nowhere makes a Chrono Cross that abstractly unifies time and people and stuff.
The vagueness, the strangeness, the needless complexity, the complete lack of logic and the blatant Deus Ex Machina just really sums up the entire plot.
It's not just a case of suspension of disbelief, it's the unecessary specificity of it all.
The French Jester is a secret dragon and was created by the plasmic quasi existential entity of the Dragon God who is a natural machine from an alternate future (who was also apparently consumed by Lavos years ago) and was divided into six weaker Dragon Gods and sort of sealed away across two universes by an evil AI trying to protect humanity and somehow the Dragon Gods knew and created this secret Dragon during an electric storm when the AI was knocked offline?
And the electric storm was created by Schala reaching out to Serge hearing him crying from the Darkness Beyond Time before she started fusing with Lavos who was also there for some reason in an attempt to survive and become the Time Devourer?!
The Frozen Flame literally just disappears after all of that?
Terra Tower magically rising out of the sea and then it's strange transformation?
The Dead Sea in general? I've read the analysis on it, but there's so much conjecture and ambiguity it's ridiculous.
Not to mention the ending with Schala's little equally nonsensical essay on humanity and further ambiguity leaving the fans scrambling to figure out what happened with the main characters.
Then there's thing the Compendium did actually complain about, like the scenes having no emotional impact first time through because you don't know what the hell people are talking about, coumpunded by Serge being the most annoyingly mute character since Half-Life 2 and his not asking anyone. Instead of asking anyone in Arni about his death or his mum about what happened all those years ago he decides to just follow the villains for no real reason?
About 40% of the main plot and all of motivation behind the entire story is revealed literally seconds before the final boss fight. Including that Belthasar engineered all of this incredibly convoluted nonsensical bull so you'd be strong enough to fight the last boss? "Oh and remember that bad guy from disc 1 who had the head of a cat? He was your dad!"
Then there's the many useless characters that can join you. "Well, I've got nothing better to do, so I'll help you save the world BY RISKING MY LIFE AGAINST FOUR BILLION MONSTERS WHILE I'M ARMED WITH A BOOMERANG!"
There's even further illogical nonsense with some of them. Mushroom man? An idol that comes to life? An alien that actually features in the main story but has no links to say...Lavos.
And so many boss fights caused because of a misunderstanding or to "test you" and then after the fight they're all "You're alright. I trust you now."
(The "testing you" boss fight should really only ever be used once per video game)
Not only is it bad storytelling, but it's a bad story in general. I'll say that there are some good ideas, the the dead timelines and humanity versus nature, evolution, etc. But I don't think any of these things were explored properly.
I just wanted to put this out here because I haven't really ever seen this expressed by other people that have criticised Chrono Cross. And I'm interested to hear from the people who like it, especially those that think the story is a strength of the game.