Author Topic: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed  (Read 6322 times)


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2007, 04:18:32 pm »
RD was an afterthought that Masato Kato personally requested not be included with CT PSX or translated because he wasn't happy with his rushed work.


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #31 on: December 16, 2007, 04:26:55 pm »
Its not squares fault actually, the blame falls on Sprint, Quest, and all those other Providers. They purposely don't allow phones from Japan. Japanese phone are by far better then anything you'll find in America, there completely compatible with our Phone Providers, but they don't allow them in fear they lose there oligopoly.


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #32 on: December 16, 2007, 05:52:03 pm »
Taking a game that's good on another platform and porting it to (or making a game with the same IP on) a phone does not mean you have a good game on a cell phone. Sure, some games work on a cell phone. Tetris, Puzzle Bobble, simple games like that. But cell phones aren't built for games, and if you start getting fancy with games on phones, it shows.


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2007, 07:26:04 pm »
Taking a game that's good on another platform and porting it to (or making a game with the same IP on) a phone does not mean you have a good game on a cell phone. Sure, some games work on a cell phone. Tetris, Puzzle Bobble, simple games like that. But cell phones aren't built for games, and if you start getting fancy with games on phones, it shows.
likewise you cant say a game is bad just cause its a port or IP copy. phones now are about as powerful as a GBA and some even a PSX, so i don't think its that they "aren't meant for games" as much as its "the companies here don't know wtf they're doing yet"


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #34 on: December 16, 2007, 07:57:35 pm »

Just stop posting already. You've proven that you can't conceive of anything outside your own little world, and all you do is make people upset. You seem oblivious to the reality that other people live with different experiences, obligations, and ways of life, and possess different tastes and values than you do. Worse than that, you are completely lacking in any real values, purpose, and humility, and you're too selfish and egotistical to even consider trying to understand anyone else.

Maybe if this were a forum that existed just for insecure people to build popularity points and feel big, you'd blend in. But this place is a forum for discussion. In other words, it's a place to share thoughts and connect to people. However, your posts don't reflect that. Most of your posts here are just feeble attempts at making yourself seem better or more important with your tasteless, inexperienced critiques, empty and mostly stolen or reactive opinions, bad jokes, and baseless arguments.

I'll never ban someone for expressing their opinion or their beliefs, no matter how much I disagree, and I'd never ban someone for criticizing the site or its admins, but I won't hesitate to ban you, or anyone else like you, because you have nothing to offer and the noise you constantly generate is getting in the way of any real communication that goes on here.

And while I'd rather not make an example of you, I've posted this publically so others can see what this forum is all about -- what this site is all about -- and help prevent people from thinking it's acceptable to be like you.


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #35 on: December 16, 2007, 11:15:07 pm »
likewise you cant say a game is bad just cause its a port or IP copy.


phones now are about as powerful as a GBA and some even a PSX,


so i don't think its that they "aren't meant for games" as much as its "the companies here don't know wtf they're doing yet"

The power of a system does not determine the tasks it's suited for. They make performance cars with more peak torque than some pick up trucks, but that doesn't mean you should tow a horse trailer with a two seater. You can make a cellphone that's as powerful as the PS1, but it will never be as good of a game system, because first and foremost, it's a cell phone, and a device that excels at being a cell phone will be designed differently than a device that excels at being a game system.

Complex games on cell phones don't suck because of developers not knowing how to put console style games on cell phones. They suck because a cell phone isn't a game console, and no amount of hardware power, programmer ingenuity, or game designer creativty will ever be able to change that.


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #36 on: December 17, 2007, 01:44:35 am »
do you guys even read my fucking posts? i've proven you wrong again and again. i just listed 4 great games that skull fuck all your ideas about cell games sucking and you pretend they dont exist! "Cell phone games suck aside of the ones that don't!"

you're a fucking idiot.

a single or a few decent games among hundreds of good ones on a platform doesn't stop that platforms games from being shit, its the majority that matters, that 1% of decent games among 99% crap games doesn't mean shit.

if the only other game on a console besides one of its well know one's such as zelda, FF, etc was a thousand carbon copy sports games with minor stat changes in each would you call that consoles games good?


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #37 on: December 18, 2007, 07:12:05 pm »
Square always screws us over, if it wasnt for demiforce we wouldnt have even got RD.

Yeah, it's totally Square's fault that the stupid Super Famicom add-on, Satellaview, didn't make it overseas. Damn them and their scaly hides! *eye roll emoticon*


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #38 on: December 18, 2007, 07:31:40 pm »
^Not to mention the frigging satellite...


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #39 on: December 19, 2007, 01:48:11 pm »
it was suppost to be included in the PS1 CT as a bonus, so satalight needed. they couldnt be bothered to translate it for the stupid americans who need everything dumbed down for them. and yes, that was sarcasem. and no, im not gonna spell/grammer check because trolls need something to disagree with my posts for, and what better than a mispelling or misplaced, comma.


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #40 on: December 19, 2007, 02:45:17 pm »
What? They're making a FFIV sequal and it's not going to be titled FFIV: Kain's Revenge?!? I'm shocked.

"Kain's Revenge" sounds way too emo; FFIV wasn't written by the Nomura team. But don't worry, Kain actually appears in this sequel!


The subtitle "Return to the Moon" kind of implies that the story will be focused on the Lunarians, but perhaps Kain has an important role somewhere in there. Anyway, the game looks almost like a FFIV Advance ROM hack...


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2007, 07:13:24 pm »
What? They're making a FFIV sequal and it's not going to be titled FFIV: Kain's Revenge?!? I'm shocked.

"Kain's Revenge" sounds way too emo; FFIV wasn't written by the Nomura team. But don't worry, Kain actually appears in this sequel!


The subtitle "Return to the Moon" kind of implies that the story will be focused on the Lunarians, but perhaps Kain has an important role somewhere in there. Anyway, the game looks almost like a FFIV Advance ROM hack...
Wow this is awesome man! FFIV was my favorite Final Fantasy game, correct me if I'm wrong but is that Goblez in the first scan? If it was that would be awesome because he was my favorite evil guy haha. His battle sprite in the SNES version was badass.


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #42 on: December 19, 2007, 07:20:02 pm »
^Not to mention the frigging satellite...

it was suppost to be included in the PS1 CT as a bonus, [no] satalight needed.

Wait, what? You guys know that the add-on just allowed players to download via phoneline, right? I'm 90% sure that there was no satellite actually involved in the process...>_>

"Kain's Revenge" sounds way too emo; FFIV wasn't written by the Nomura team. But don't worry, Kain actually appears in this sequel!

What? Kain's Revenge sounds like an awesome 80's action flick sequel! FFIV: "The After" sounds more emo than that...


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Re: Final Fantasy IV sequel to be developed
« Reply #43 on: December 20, 2007, 04:45:54 am »
"After" means "anus" in German, so yeah, it might not be the most badass title ever...

XcyrusX: That's Golbez, but it's a screenshot from the FFIV DS remake. The other screenshots are definitely from the mobile game though.