Sweet friggen jesus I'm slow, huh? Anyways, I've been trying to build myself a website (thanks in large part to people who said they'd help but never effing did. I'm looking at you Dan/Saridon.) Anyways, what ended up happened to slow me down was a combination of things: for one, College is never easy, so I'm resorting to drawing in the middle of class, leaving me a scant hour to 2 hour window in which to do 2 tasks at the same time.
Also adding to my list o' problems was The Tower of Gheddon painting, which sold for about 500 if I recall correctly. I HAD a pic, but my god ole' tower, which last never 18 hours shifts for 5 years, friggen died and my image along with it. So sorry about that, but its gone.
Positive note: I'm doing another one. Gonna Ebay it if anybody is interested. Please? I need the cash! I'm in debt dammit!
So yep, I've basically had a hard summer trying to get transfer credits from my college to go to AOAUSF.
But, I did manage to churn out page 2 somewhere along the lines.
As you can see, I've dropped the inking. It takes me too much time, and it doesn't look that nice, so I'm leaving that for anybody who wants it.
Alright, time to get down to the gritty: I need help getting this thing going.
I'm having a hard enough time trying to get a comic out without having to go into dreamweaver and making the whole site from scratch.
So I'm looking a Website designer.
Otherwise, this is going on my Deviantart, which should be linked in my profile menu.
So there you go, I'm gonna get to work on page 3 and my essay on Anime vs. Cartoons now.