Author Topic: Ever thought of a Chrono Trigger MMORPG?  (Read 5979 times)


  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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Ever thought of a Chrono Trigger MMORPG?
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2006, 01:48:58 pm »
Why would it need to be any bigger? You simply convert the overworld map to traversable terrain. Plus you have a number of different periods in which to travel to. No storyline needed, just like a different area, with different enemies. Nothing has to happen when you kill lavos, other than getting a shitload of XP and items.
Even so... I am fundamentally against a CT MMOG.
My reasoning is thus: An integral part of the CT game and the feeling of the whole series, are its unique plotlines and characterisation. Take those out, and what do you have? A semi-ok battle system and some wishy washy trade (shops), and of course the mass-marketed, focus-grouped pap that we know to be the MMO treadmill upon which millions ride every day.
The characters would be generic and unexciting. I believe the plot would be bland and uninspiring, as the majority of it wouldnt have any continuity and largely consist of sidequests in which you are fetching the farmers pig and giving it to taban to experiment on.

No thanks. To tarnish the Chrono name with an MMO is to forsake the core principles of the the series itself.


  • Magical Dreamer (+1250)
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Ever thought of a Chrono Trigger MMORPG?
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2006, 03:35:01 pm »
I heavily dislike the notion of a regular MMO based from the Chronoverse.

But an idea I would like to see is an online version of Trigger (or Cross) where you play through the original game but you can only use one character, and other online players would be the rest. Sure it would force people to play certain characters at points in the game, but it would be a cool innovative way to experience the storys.


  • Iokan (+1)
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Ever thought of a Chrono Trigger MMORPG?
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2006, 12:36:37 pm »
I would definetely be on for a CT MMO. given, I would be up for anything Chrono related at this point. I'm not a big MMO fan. but I love the CT/CC world and would dig being able to travel across is and even see new areas/era's. but I just want something new from this franchise in general!


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Ever thought of a Chrono Trigger MMORPG?
« Reply #33 on: January 28, 2006, 01:47:56 pm »
It sounds like a pretty impractical idea all around. That being said, I would still buy it because I must have all things CT.


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Ever thought of a Chrono Trigger MMORPG?
« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2006, 01:22:57 pm »
Shameless fangirl indeed.


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Ever thought of a Chrono Trigger MMORPG?
« Reply #35 on: February 12, 2006, 10:06:06 am »
The idea sounds good.  It would be cool if you could chose what time period you can start in. Each one would influnece you character's fighting style, weapon, and type of magic. Like being in 650000000 B.C, youo could not use magic but you do alot of damage and have alot of HP. Portals between epochs would be guarded by High level monsters, in order to keep newbies out of danger. Then there would be a Player vs player area in a "battle epoch", like an end of time place where you choose a PvP battleground. Maybe put a colisuem in the game to get rare items and weapons.
 Also concerning epoch stats-
65000000 B.C- alot of strength and hp, no magic.
12000 B.C- Magic users, but little to no melee attackers.
600 A.D- Contains knights and little magic users, some use technology
1000 A.D-  Perfect balance between Strength, Magic, and technology.
3200 A.D.- Little magic or strength, rely on technology. Also Robots :).
  If your confused strength is amount of HP and damage. Magic users are.... pretty self explanitory. Technology is using guns, crossbows ect.
    The last place in the game to go to is the end of time, it is guarded by the mightest of ceatures, at the end you get upgraded powers from Spekkio. Then the choice to fight Lavos.