Author Topic: The Prometheus Circuit!  (Read 2109 times)


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The Prometheus Circuit!
« on: May 28, 2008, 02:50:27 am »
If Robo really is the Prometheus Circuit, maybe his memories of the K-1 timeline created the Dead Sea, and the Sea of Eden of the K-2; maybe the Prometheus Circuit overridden FATE with his own records, creating a second dimension. All that he would need is an event that triggers him to do so; Kid’s travel back in time. Quirks, I'm sure, but it's just something to think about.


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Re: The Prometheus Circuit!
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2008, 01:26:57 pm »
Interesting. If this could be the case, Serge would still have to be involved in some way, as previous discussion of the Dead Sea has highly suggested that something he does (or would otherwise have done but for the events of Cross) leads to its apperance.


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Re: The Prometheus Circuit!
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2008, 05:57:05 pm »
In K-2 (before Angelus Errare), Leena sent Serge to collect Komodo Scales.

In Home World, Angelus Errare was already established; Leena and Serge walked along the beach (hence, no need for Kid to travel back in time).

On a side note- There should be two more Keystones to refer to, just so there's no confusion:

K-1 A.E.
K-2 A.E.

A.E.= Timeline after Angelus Errare is created.

Anyway, that's all I can think of.


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Re: The Prometheus Circuit!
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2008, 06:03:38 pm »
In K-2 (before Angelus Errare), Leena sent Serge to collect Komodo Scales.

In Home World, Angelus Errare was already established; Leena and Serge walked along the beach (hence, no need for Kid to travel back in time).

On a side note- There should be two more Keystones to refer to, just so there's no confusion:

K-1 A.E.
K-2 A.E.

A.E.= Timeline after Angelus Errare is created.

Anyway, that's all I can think of.

Actually, there would be no K-1 A.E. since El Nido didn't even exist for Serge to live and die (or not, hence the dimensional split. Perhaps just K-2 and K-2', then, to distinguish between the timeline before and after the dimensional split.

And to note, Leena didn't send Serge to collect scales "before A.E." That Serge was even alive means that the dimensional distortion already existed.


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Re: The Prometheus Circuit!
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2008, 06:47:53 pm »
Actually, there would be no K-1 A.E. since El Nido didn't even exist for Serge to live and die (or not, hence the dimensional split. Perhaps just K-2 and K-2', then, to distinguish between the timeline before and after the dimensional split.


And to note, Leena didn't send Serge to collect scales "before A.E." That Serge was even alive means that the dimensional distortion already existed.

Not really. Just because Schala interfered, doesn't mean that what she did, couldn't be undone. FATE had 10 years to destroy the Arbiter, AND the Prometheus Circuit. It's just that, FATE didn't know of the Prometheus Circuit, until after it had rid of the Arbiter. This suggests that Wazuki/Lynx, then, interrogated Lucca. Kid seeks revenge, and goes back in time. But, because her older self changes time, her younger self would've dissapeared (kinda like what happened to Marle and the Queen, at the beginning of CT). Thus, is why she is trapped in her memories; the past is rewritten. The dimensions split, interpreting events of K-2 into two categories, only now, Angelus Errare was created from the start. Well, at least that's my view of it.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2008, 06:52:44 pm by 9900giljerky »