Here's some I found in a hentai site. They don't contain nudity though, but most likely came from doujin or something...I dunno...The first one had nudity I cropped out...and it's got Lynx grabbing Kid's boob, but w/e...I'll let the Compendium make the judgment call on that one...I figured
<EDIT'D OUT> was the artist, but I don't know...I could get rid of it if it's actually a site or something...*shrugs*
EDIT'D: Yeah, I just Googled the name that was on the pic and it turns out it is a Japanese site w/a lot of hentai & some doujin...I couldn't find the artist's name though, but I didn't look that hard because I realized I probably should change the pic (which I've done). But w/e...
This next one's got an artist signature on it I can make out...Naska Chijoue.
This one's got no artist sig on it at all...*shrugs*