yes that ending is exactly what sparked this fan fiction.
Faustwolf as to the metaphysical, i gave it thought and have figured" ok so schala is freed? so now after she is freed where does the original timeline (not involving any of this happening) start anew. in other words, in what era does time start all over again anew before everything went wrong? Well i figured, when lavos landed thats where time was just screwed over and thats what sparked all the events throughout time. so after schala is free, time would have to start from that particular point in time all over again, giving birth to a completely new timeline. meaning that none of the charaters would meet through time because of the sequence of the new timeline. such as this obvious example, if lavos would never have fallen from the sky, serge would never have met kid, because schala would've never been cloned. also chornopolis would never have been destroyed because it would have never been created. ALSO there could've been a possibility that the reptites could have dominated over the humans and eventually ended up as the dominant species on the planet. so there is an imfinete amount of storylines that can spark with that ending. so now in my story the world is our current day world, but lets just say physics *cough cough magic* from the past have not been altered. Also since schala does find serge in the end and marries him, she obviously kept the memories and found some way to stay alive and keep her young age (and not die of old age) for all the generations until the birth of serge. So i explain this with the magic. she uses some form of magic to stay alive throughout all of time, all those years. thus meaning that the humans in the ending of chrono cross probably are all magically infused. So that short clip in the mordern world in the ending is actually her standing in an intersection of a world where humans use magic and technology together to make an amazing universe. (i explain this with lucca who basically sparks the the first mecha/magic corp. Now on the other hand the other side of the planet is infested with the monsters, and the overpopulated cities of reptites. (they can not stand the humans, like in chrono trigger. and so they are basically going at it with the humans, using their powerful magic and huge monsters as weapons to annialate the humans.)
phew! i got to go, but i will elaborate more on this fan fiction later. Tell me what ya think so far.