Oh, I know putting MP3 files into the ROM is impossible.
I'm talking about an emulator noticing when a value in SNES RAM changes, it plays an external MP3 to match that value.
I have written a program that will do that, and so far it works pretty well. I'll need to hardcode the address though.
You open the program, and open snes9x and your ROM will play custom music. That's my plan anyway.
In Temporal Flux, you write a value (the song value you want to play) to a memory address, my program watches that address while you play, and launches an MP3 in the background when that value changes. Write a value of 00 to 7E0000 and 00.mp3 will play in your media player in the background.
It's close to my original idea of having it actually in an emulator, but eh.
Try the attatched file.
Place the music files in the same folder as the program.
Name your mp3's in Hex (00.mp3 - FF.mp3)
Set the location music to silence.
In the event code, write the value of the song you want to mem address 7F00FE.
That song should start playing, and any song you throw at that address.
It needs alot of work, play in fullscreen for now, etc...
But it should give an idea of what I'm attempting.
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