Thought this would be a good place to post.
But before anything...
Disclaimer: I do not own the program, nor do I own the script. I just found the battle system script on the net and modified it a bit to suit my needs. Also, I'm not a programmer. In fact, I suck at it. yeah. Those having RPG Maker VX, if ya go through the battle and sort you'd notice. Although don't know scripting I kinda did read the green lines and modified the value accordingly to get the following sprite animations. But it isn't good enough. I'm still having trouble with a few things (you've already noticed probably) and I don't really know how to fix them. I need help with the sprite animations at
1) When Magus is hit by an attack.
2) The Victory pose.
3) When he dies.
4) The weak sprite when his HP's below 15%
Also, the dying animation of Evilking, I dunno where the code is exactly but I wanted to give certain bosses the same animation at 0 HP. And animated monsters script would be cool too! But unfortunately the characters script doesn't work for em...
There are a few more problems, but are minor and I think I can work em out. >_< Nyaahh... Thank you, by the way.