This is what I have on level-up stats (not HP/MP yet).
The routine for power starts around $C1/F634.
This assumes that $C1/C90B is a routine for multiplication and $C1/C92A does division.
Level-up description for Power:
Get PC portrait #.
Multiply it by 7.
Add #$25FA and store to x register.
Load a value from $CC0000,x.
Multiply the value by (Current level after level-up - 1).
Divide by #$64.
Add value from $2F of character stat data.
Store to $0B (power) of character stat data.
The other stats work mostly the same way, and it changes the other stats in this order: Stamina, Hit, Evade, Magic, Magic Defense. CC0002,x and $31 (those would correspond to Speed) of PC stat data are skipped.
$C1/F871 7B TDC
$C1/F872 AA TAX
$C1/F873 86 10 STX $10 [$00:0010]
$C1/F875 7B TDC
$C1/F876 AE 85 B2 LDX $B285 [$7E:B285] //Get the memory address of the character data being changed
$C1/F879 BD 00 00 LDA $0000,x[$7E:0000] //Get PC portrait
$C1/F87C 0A ASL A
$C1/F87D 0A ASL A
$C1/F87E 0A ASL A
$C1/F87F 18 CLC
$C1/F880 65 10 ADC $10 [$00:0010]
$C1/F882 AA TAX
$C1/F883 86 00 STX $00 [$00:0000]
$C1/F885 BF 8A 25 CC LDA $CC258A,x //Get maximum level for current level\HP increase.
$C1/F889 AE 85 B2 LDX $B285 [$7E:B285]
$C1/F88C DD 12 00 CMP $0012,x //Check if current level is less than value gotten just above.
$C1/F88F 90 24 BCC $24 [$F8B5]
$C1/F891 7B TDC
$C1/F892 A6 00 LDX $00
$C1/F894 BF 8B 25 CC LDA $CC258B,x //Get amount to increase HP by.
$C1/F898 C2 20 REP #$20
$C1/F89A AE 85 B2 LDX $B285 [$7E:B285]
$C1/F89D 18 CLC
$C1/F89E 7D 05 00 ADC $0005,x //Increase current max HP by value gotten.
$C1/F8A1 9D 05 00 STA $0005,x //Store new max HP
$C1/F8A4 C9 E7 03 CMP #$03E7 //Check if new max HP > (decimal) 999
$C1/F8A7 90 06 BCC $06 [$F8AF]
$C1/F8A9 A9 E7 03 LDA #$03E7
$C1/F8AC 9D 05 00 STA $0005,x
$C1/F8B5 E2 20 SEP #$20
$C1/F8B7 E6 10 INC $10 [$00:0010]
$C1/F8B9 E6 10 INC $10 [$00:0010]
$C1/F8BB 80 B8 BRA $B8 [$F875]
Description in progress.
Starting at $C1/F879:
Get PC portrait value and multiply it by 8.
Add the value at $10 to it.
Move result to X register.
If PC level >= $CC258A,x, then add 2 to mem $10 and repeat. (i.e. Move two bytes forward to the next HP increase and try again.)
Else, add the value at $CC258B,x to the current HP.