Did Crono & Co re-introduce the concept of magic to humanity after Chrono Trigger?
It is noted by Sneff and Guile that there is a band of magicians on the mainland; I always took this to mean that they used elements, or performed parlor tricks, but Sneff displays real magical powers that are not the result of elements. The levitation in his performance could still be a trick, but changing Serge & Squad into cats is "real" magic that does not correlate to an element or a tech. Furthermore, he took on apprentices who already knew how to use elements (indeed, the two actually explain a lot of it to Serge & Squad early in the game), which indicates that what he was teaching them was not how to use elements. In short, Sneff seems to know a brand of magic that is totally apart from dragonian Elements and this knowledge appears to be teachable (or, at least, the thinks it is).
Might this then be an indication that upon returning to 1000AD, Crono, Marle, and/or Lucca began teaching people how to use magic again? Prior to CT, the ability still seemed to be in humans but the knowledge of it was forgotten. After CT, it looks like this ability might have started to awaken again.
Also, to note, it seems rather unlikely that before the dimensional split many elements would have made it outside of El Nido unless Crono & Co had already re-introduced it.
FATE was controlling everyone and everything; if its future was one where magic wasn't present, then letting elements get out of El Nido would have drastically altered that future. FATE would in turn have used the Records of Fate to prevent people from selling, giving, or probably even displaying elements in front of outsiders. However, if at the end of CT Crono & Co did start teaching magic, and it was in a magic-ful future that FATE was constructed, then letting elements get out of El Nido wouldn't have been so detrimental to FATE's purpose.