AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!!OH MON DIEU MON DIEU MON DIEU !!!!!And I thought that would be a pathetic extra final boss that would have almost nothing to do with the plot !!!!!
I should have read the comments first !!!
What an amazing boss !! So great !! Wondeful !! Marvelous !!!
My expectations came true !!!
Glory be to Chrono Trigger !!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!By the way, I just preordered my copy of CT:DS...did you?
No, because us cursed europeans will have to wait 2009 to get a copy of this game. How could I survive until then after being aware of the final bass identity.
Hopefully I should be able to find a NTSC copy in one or two weeks in some import video games stores, but that's still damn too long.