I haven't played the game in awhile so I don't know where Belthasar appears. But if its only in Another World, it supports chrono eric's theory: No TTI events after 1010AD were preserved in Home World/Ideal Timeline. If Belthasar appears in Home World, then we have more issues.
Belthesar only appears in Another World, and only three times - first when you meet him in Viper Manor and then later on in the "illusion" manor in Terra Tower, and then right after that atop Terra Tower. However I don't necessary think it supports my theory, as any number of things could have happened to Home World's Belthesar.
Now, moving on:
Clearly there are some problems with the concept of TTI/TB when working with creating new dimensions, we just have to work out the reasoning behind it. It's clear now that my example was flawed, but the fact remains that one would have to explain why the TTI events would be present in a new dimension. But first let's address Eske's theory as it's less troublesome.
I'm going to try to simplify it even more so that it's easier to work with. The reason why I'm doing this is because I'm not so sure the conservation of energy rationale even applies to this in the first case. So let me greatly simplify the problem with the following hypothetical example of creating two dimensions from one and then unifying them again. In my example is a hypothetical universe composed of only three parts that exist in time.
There is one dimension, composed of a timeline that contains
only three parts (for simplicity). Call them Part A, Part B, and Part C. It exists at Time Error 0.
At Time Error 1 the dimension (dimension K) is split at a point SP (Split Point). Before the split point the dimensions share the same timeline and after the split point the timelines diverge into two dimensions - X and Y. Dimension X is really just a continuation of K, and Part's Ax, Bx, and Cx = Parts A, B, and C but have been renamed for simplicity later on. Everything is duplicated after the split point, such that you have the following case:
-----> Dimension X (continuation of dimension K): Part Ax, Bx, Cx
At Time Error 1: Dimension K, Parts A, B, C -------> SP ---->
-----> Dimension Y: Part Ay, By, Cy
In this example, matter and energy have not been conserved at all. Everything has been duplicated. This indicates that in the Chronoverse, the problem of conservation of energy and matter isn't really that important - only when dealing with time travel in a single dimension. Each dimension is like a self-contained universe, and matter-energy conservation is important within it but not between it. So, the major reason why DB and DTI exists is
not because of conservation of mass/energy but solely to prevent paradoxes.
Now, at Time Error 2 the dimensions are reunified at the reunification point (RP), which for comparison's sake (to Chrono Cross) necessarily equals the split point (SP). So RP=SP in time and you have this situation. Notice that the two dimensions only merge after the RP and before then can still technically be viewed as belonging to Dimension K.
At Time Error 2: Dimension K, Parts A, B, C --------> RP ------> Dimension XY: Parts Axy, Bxy, Cxy
Notice that in this case energy and matter have not been conserved either. The multiverse is back to the original amount of matter and energy it had, but it is still half as much as what existed at Time Error 1. The only thing that is different is that after the point RP the composite parts of the universe undergo a transition. They literally
become different.
So, this clearly shows that matter/energy composition is not important when you are talking about multiple dimensions and probably not even for dimensional travel. It's only important for time travel within the dimensions. So I'm not so sure it's that important for Eske's example, but Eske may still be 100% correct.
This should help make both mine and Eske's theories easier to interpret. Let's do Eske's first and I'll do mine in a later post. Both theories attempt to understand what happens to TTI in the case of a dimensional reunification around the RP:
Eske's theory (schematic represenation, simplified to have the same format as above):
Dimension X: Part Ax, Bx, Part C emerges at time x (only in this timeline)
Dimension K, A + B, Part C time travels to the future ---> SP ---->
Dimension Y: Part Ay, By (Cy is missing)
Here you have an example where Part C time travels to after the SP. Since dimension X is a continuation of Dimension K, Part C emerges there. Since everything was doubled after the SP, Part Cy is missing from dimension Y. You can see that matter/energy is conserved in Dimension K/X (the continuation of K), but not in Dimension Y as it has already been deemed unnecessary.
Now for the reunification:
Dimension K, Parts A + B, Part C time travels to the future ---> RP ---> Dimension XY: Parts Axy, Bxy, Part C emerges due to TTI
Now, since the RP = SP in this example (and in Chrono Cross), the dimensions are reunified at the original point of the split and the Parts of the two dimensions that exist at that point become merged. Part C was not present in either dimension X or dimension Y at the SP so it does not merge. In the future dimension XY, part C emerges due to TTI.
In this example, dimension XY is not the same dimension as dimension K (this is what is implied in Cross). So the dimension actually undergoes a dimensional shift in identity per se at the Reunification Point. But this is a unique case in which dimension K and dimension XY appear to occupy a continuity on the same timeline. I think it's likely then that TTI and TB would be preserved
in certain cases in accordance with the conservation of matter/energy.
So in this case, I don't think Part C will be shafted to the DBT, I think it will still emerge due to TTI after the RP. Thoughts, Eske?
PS: Let's try to keep this same format unless you can think of a better one. It seems to make things a lot easier, at least to me anyhow.
EDIT: I'll make another post illustrating my example of TTI/TB and DTI/DB not being preserved after the split using this format. I can already tell it will be a lot easier to figure things out this way.
***What is very important about this example is that it clearly shows
two important things about the story of Cross:
1) Home World's future is destroyed because Crono and co.'s time travel event is not preserved in that timeline by TTI and
2) When the dimensions are re-unified Crono and co.'s time travel event is reinstated, thus
saving the future again! It's perfect. The only minor problem with it is that Lavos' time travel event would not be preserved in Home World either, but if the pocket dimension theory falls apart (seems like it's going to), Lavos could be viewed as existing physically within the planet's core, in which case he would be duplicated at the split point and still emerge in Home World's future.