Author Topic: Chrono Trilogy: Essence of Righteousness. Part 1  (Read 912 times)


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Chrono Trilogy: Essence of Righteousness. Part 1
« on: January 10, 2009, 06:44:01 pm »
Note: Before anything, I'd like to say that I actually wrote this hurriedly. It's like 4:20 am here and I'm tired as hell, but wanted to do it so yeah. Also, for shortness sake, I've divided the first story of the Trilogy into two parts (possibly even three). Forgive me, I didn't really have enough time to detail it. So yeah, here it goes. And don't worry. It has El Nido in it. XD

Chrono Trilogy: Essence of Righteousness.

How long must we fight? How much do our views differ? What is it that makes us truly different? And why must we hate each other? Answers never walk to us on their own no matter how much we question life itself.


For Leon Guildstern of Guardia, war shook his very feet. He feared for the loss of his home, his family and  his kingdom. And yet his will and determination moved him forwards to protect those deat to him. His Chef brother, no matter how annoying he may be, he still cares for him. His friends were dying right before his eyes. It was unbearable. If there was one thing he hated it was the existence of those wretched Fiends.

All of them... I wish they all rot in hell... And I'll send them there!

And the news had reached him. They had succeeded in burning down the forest of Regionna where the Mystics worshipped a great Goddess of the Moon. It was a wonderful massacre. He felt proud. Maybe he could outsmart the great Demon King after all.

"Details on the status, if you please, Kellington."

"Yes, Sir Guildstern. As you requested, not a soldier is harmed. And the assault was successful. We have regrouped the soldiers near Zenan, and are about to infiltrate. All we need is the plan and the go-ahead."


Both Glenn and Janus, ever since childhood, found themselves alone in the midst of strangers. Both constantly trapped in the religion of the ones taking care of them. Glenn was taught of the Way of Honor, and on the other hand Janus was being taught of the secrets of Dark Arts. Despite being uncomfortable with it, both fulfilled the requirements greatly, for the sake of a greater goal. For Glenn, it was peace. But as for Janus... it was something else. And yes, there were differences.

Glenn lived a life of cowardice; but he chose to do so. He did not wish to hurt anybody, and he wished not for anybody to hurt him. Janus wished people would stay out of his business and let him alone, otherwise he wouldn't be afraid to hurt anybody. Glenn depended on others, but Janus depended on no one. And survival was not a question here. For Janus, power was the means for everything. And despite these differences, somehow their souls were always connected even though they didn't know it themselves.

The plot was fool proof. There was no way it could have been countered. The assault was to be immediate, and the Fiends had hardly the time to recover. What exactly did go wrong?

"It doesn't take a brainer, does it?" A wicked and menacing voice appeared. One of the Guardian soldiers withdrew his sword and began slashing his fellows ruthlessly.

At that precise moment, several bats appeared from the sky and landed on the other soldiers' faces. What followed was gruesome; faces were incinerated.

"Fiends! Dare you and your..." Leon screamed, but only to be silenced by the sight of his fellow comrae laughing maniacally.

"We are Mystical Knights!" The soldier who had been battling several other Guardian soldiers at a time revealed himself to be Slash of the Mystics. "Honor us and we shall honor you."

"Yes, honor the dead," said a bat, who transformed into a beautiful elven fiend called Flea. "Burn, my pretties! Burn! This is lovely!"

"You and your filthy deception..." Leon screamed, unsheathing his sword. "You're all the same! You slaughter ruthlessly, you kill and cause bloodshed... You're nothing but filthy demons!!"

"Filthy demons? Now that's harsh!" Spoke the laughing Knight, moving around as if in daze. "Oh I remember something! You hear the news? I've heard that some little children had been simply following their religion and praying to their own God, minding their own business, then a noble human Knight comes along and singes them to hell. Oh, poor little children!"

"And your point is?"

The knight laughed again. "My point is, no matter what you call yourself, no matter what you follow or do...You're just like me!"

The knight's smile widened and his face was green. Whatever happened to his comrade. But Leon knew. He knew that his best friend had been killed by that beast.

"How dare you compare me to such filth as yourself!" Leon swung his sword at Ozzie, but missed as the disguised green fiend backflipped expertly and avoided the attack. Without hesitation, he struck again, and missed yet again.

"I guess this guy needs a face lift," remarked Flea.

"Let me do the honors." Slash charged at Guildstern at full might. And with such speed, Leon wouldn't stand a chance alone. Death seemed imminent.


A shocking sound almost tore his eardrum, but the blade itself did not reach Leon. As he looked ahead he noticed that someone had saved him. Slash had fallen backwards at Flea's feet and Ozzie stood dumbstruck.

"How could you..." spoke the familiar voice.

"Because we can!" Flea pouted.

"It's that stupid fool again!" Ozzie screamed. "When is he ever going to stop chasing us?!"

"Cyrus..." Slash growled.

Cyrus lunged towards the trio and struck right where Slash lay.

"Nirvana Strike!"

The ground erupted and shattered to dust as his sword dazzled with divine light. But the fiends were nowhere to be seen. At the corner of his eye, Cyrus found them attempting to escape through the Zenan Bridge.

"You think you can escape?!" Cyrus chased.

"Yes, I think we can!" Flea screamed, holding Slash by his side, he burned down the bridge entirely.

"Cyrus you've..." But before Leon could complete his sentence he noticed the rage in the eyes of his savior.

Cyrus was upset with Leon's decision. The Mystics assumed that Humans were selfish and malicious, and laid a trap. And Leon was foolish enough to fall for it. On top of that, burning away the forest of Regionna was unforgivable. Only Fiona and her husband had survived there.

And then, Cyrus and Glenn began to leave for a memorable journey once again.

"Together have we roamed so many places and have fought so many battles," Cyrus said.

"But this time it's different," said Glenn.

"And how is that?"

"You have seen the look in the Queen's eyes, have you not?"

"She is worried." Cyrus nodded, chewing on a straw.

"And?" Glenn frowned at him.

"And..." Cyrus punches his buddy's shoulder and winked at him. "You will be there for her. You are stronger than I."

"Bluff all you want," Glenn rolled his eyes.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 07:08:59 pm by tushantin »


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Re: Chrono Trilogy: Essence of Righteousness. Part 1
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2009, 06:55:01 pm »
I really got into that. I can't wait for teh part II.


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Re: Chrono Trilogy: Essence of Righteousness. Part 1
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2009, 02:21:02 am »
Oh wow I'm loving it! :mrgreen: cant wait for more!


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Re: Chrono Trilogy: Essence of Righteousness. Part 1
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2009, 03:55:27 am »
 :D Thank you, mates!


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Re: Chrono Trilogy: Essence of Righteousness. Part 1
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2009, 03:24:40 pm »
I like this! Good job!


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Re: Chrono Trilogy: Essence of Righteousness. Part 1
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2009, 01:05:16 am »
Thank you!

Er... Could someone move this thread in the Submissions subforums if it's inappropriate here? D= Because it might be a while till I write the second part, and until then, I'm afraid, it won't have El Nido in it...

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Chrono Trilogy: Essence of Righteousness. Part 1
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2009, 06:27:04 pm »


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Re: Chrono Trilogy: Essence of Righteousness. Part 1
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2009, 05:18:33 am »
 :lol: Soon. I can tell you that there are a few more stories in the Trilogy. Each story of the three has several parts.

Story 1: Cyrus, Magus and Glenn's story.
Story 2: The Founder of Acacia and the Legend of Sir Edmond.
Story 3: El Nido and El Dorado (crazy fiction xD)