Last year I made 1 resolution and kept it. That was to read more books (2007 was a sad year in that regard). I think I did quite well in that regard.
For this coming year, a crapload:
1. Learn Latin
2. Maybe learn French
3. Maybe refresh my memory of and continue to develop my Spanish
4. Refresh my memory of and continue to develop my Ancient Greek
5. Refresh my memory of and continue to develop my Anglo-Saxon
6. Refresh my memory of and continue to develop my Modern German
7. Maybe take up Icelandic again...
8. Get into a Ph.D. program (I'll hopefully know around march).
9. Clean my apartment and
keep it clean.
10. NOT obtain another pet (4 animals and two humans in a small, 1.5 bedroom apartment is a bit crowded as is).
NOT be so stressed out the macula detaches and I start seeing flashing lights in my field of vision. It is incredibly interesting, but... probably not a good thing.
12. Take my dog on more walks.
13. Teach my dog to differentiate between the "Woof" and "Bark" commands. 10ish Months into this so far and she still has problems.
14. Teach my cat... well... anything. Cats can be trained, I say!
15. And, of course, read even more books!
Pushing AEHU, a hidden fan project, through to completion by December 31, 2009.
Holy crap in a basket, that is ambitious. But, most of us would follow you to the moon without spacesuits if you asked us to, so quite possible.
Means I need to get off my butt and help more, though...
On the topic of learning Python, I've forgotten everything I know about the language itself, but you might find some resources on Civ4 forums (CivFantatics -- -- had a wonderful modding community a few years ago that had good python resources, but I can't say if it is still that way). Just some random information.