Author Topic: V Says: Always Be Bitchin (beta playthrough thread)  (Read 12275 times)

Agent 12

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Re: V Says: Always Be Bitchin (beta playthrough thread)
« Reply #45 on: May 07, 2009, 05:32:02 am »'re game definitely got in a weird state here that....shouldn't be possible.

First off: You definitely have 2 of the bits switched on for the mystic den decision.  My guess is that the final beta patch has the debug guy in leene square swapping the bits.  I added that because I was doing dialogue checking and needed a way to switch between the 3 decisions really fast.  I'm guessing you've talked to that debug guy.  he would have said something like "you sided with mystics" "you sided with porre" etc.....  Don't worry about typing out the double dialogues anymore.

If you didn't talk to him there's something bad.

I was able to repro frog being swappable in chapter 13.  When you walk into the roulette room of the casino the character lock dissapears.....I'll fix this tomorrow that causes alot (almost all) of the bugs you mentioned.....

The final one is actually pretty funny.  The series of events to lead to the crazy ass teleport to mammon machine.  The code for magus was copy/pasted from the bottom of daltons dungeon (when he escapes out of the prison) to the chronopolis reactor.  And the function that usually gets called for the "lead PC" (which was suppose to be frog) was getting called for Magus and just happened to be the same function that gets called to make him "feel something". 


Anyways in that post you found 2...well not show stoppers cause you were able to continue the game, but 2 show ruiners Amazing beta work there man.  Just goes to show that you going to revisit every single room really can cause shit to hit the fan.



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Re: V Says: Always Be Bitchin (beta playthrough thread)
« Reply #46 on: May 07, 2009, 08:53:12 am »
Yeah, I did talk to the debug guy in Leene Square and he said all of that stuff about bits, though I don't recall him telling me which choices I had made...


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Re: V Says: Always Be Bitchin (beta playthrough thread)
« Reply #47 on: May 08, 2009, 01:01:05 am »
The Glare of Midnight

Weird, it seems like my name changes didn't change save...Oh well...Maybe something happened when I was dealing with the save states last time...

Off to Kasmir's Fort or w/e...idk if it's supposed to be like this, but when I approach the middle area from the right area when you first meet Slash and he leaves all those battles for you, well after that if you approach from the left and one of those guys hits your lead character to the right, it makes him go past the activation for moving into that when you win the battle, even if you move to the left to stay in the middle area, it reads it that you went to the right (so basically you have to circle back around, which made me think that might be on purpose...but, idk, that doesn't seem right either...

Hmmm, I'm wondering what's up with the room on Flea's side with all the candles, but only two of them have flame halos...If this isn't a clue later then it just looks wrong...

Weird, the rear exit out of Kasmir's fort disappears after you use it once...

Hey, I just noticed, but none of the Bows or Guns actually change the girls' Hit...So that means they aren't raising their attack at all...What's up with that?

Alright, just left the other Masamune in the past (wondering if in the two sets talking to each other they didn't switch themselves with their past selves or something)...

The Darkness of Noon

I think I'll leave this here for now...I just checked and the names are fine now, though instead of "Serge" I renamed Crono "Rei"...

Agent 12

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Re: V Says: Always Be Bitchin (beta playthrough thread)
« Reply #48 on: May 08, 2009, 02:08:03 am »
The name thing is almost certainly from a save state.  Chapter 14 has been polished so I think that will handle some of these bugs.

Um bows and guns not raising hit.......:-/      that's weird hahah.  Weapon stats should be the same as in CT except for magus and adding confuse to Marle's one bow when she's by herself.  I'll look into it.
