Another few things I dredged up:
1. I figured out why Shinji Hashimoto will pursue Front Mission, even with sales that are dismal compared to CT:
After working for Bandai, Hashimoto joined Square in 1995 as the producer of the Super Famicom title Front Mission. He also supervised the production of the sequels Front Mission: Gun Hazard, Front Mission 2, and Front Mission 4.
Took that translation straight from the Japanese Wikipedia entry. Looks like he just has a soft spot for his shitty series, maybe because he started the damn thing.

For him to say that CT is not profitable as a straight port with better sales compared to a full remake with much worse sales, is absolutely absurd.
2. One big reason SE will not buy the rights to CE and throw it on the VC:
"We feel that the Japanese game market still requires physical media.
That was from an interview of Shinji Hashimoto with Nintendo Dream, talking about why Final Fantasy and other SE RPGs would not be on the VC. This was before CTDS, too, so it seems that they feel as long as they can re-sell for a much higher price, no need to sell it on the VC.
Now, they could make a wiiware game, or heck, even port CE to a cart. But though a lot of story work would be done, it would still require a full rewrite of the game in a different engine, in a different code format.
I would list more, like how SE is just doing cash cow franchises (Like FF13 and how he said it would last for 10 years via DLC), but that is already beaten to death.
Also, Shinji Hashimoto is in the credits of Chrono Trigger as a "special thanks". Does anybody know what he did for that? I wonder if he got slighted somehow, it seems like he REALLY dislikes the Chrono Franchise. Or maybe he only likes ones he has worked on.

Either way, as the VP, seems that he would have some serious sway in terms of what games get made, and which do not, I think if he wanted to stop the Chrono franchise from taking priority over his pet projects, he can do so. Heck, CTDS seems almost as if someone was TRYING to make it fail!