Author Topic: IRC Policy??  (Read 6715 times)

Lord J Esq

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Re: IRC Policy??
« Reply #45 on: June 23, 2009, 07:19:10 am »
I afraid of Language Barrier I got sometime whenever I communicate, is that really an annoyance and deserve ban? I always like to practice up my English to perfection, but it might take a long years.

It may be an annoyance to some, because difficulty in comprehension can be frustrating, but, so long as you make the effort to communicate clearly, I will assure you that it is perfectly acceptable to speak imperfect English, and to practice your English on these forums (so long as your posts are relevant to the topic), and that if any administrators are wavering on the subject, I will stamp on their feet until they see the wisdom of adopting a cosmopolitan attitude. (Really, though, I don't anticipate any disagreement from them.)


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Re: IRC Policy??
« Reply #46 on: June 23, 2009, 08:52:29 am »
The IRC bans with channel #Outlaw are splitting the community and really just driving a wedge between sympathizers and people for the bans. Conversation is actually more active in #Outlaws than #Compendium in my experience. Then again I don't even know why I'm typing this since the admin considers me an idiot with zero influence.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 09:00:19 am by Jutty »


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Re: IRC Policy??
« Reply #47 on: June 23, 2009, 09:59:28 am »
The IRC bans with channel #Outlaw are splitting the community and really just driving a wedge between sympathizers and people for the bans. Conversation is actually more active in #Outlaws than #Compendium in my experience. Then again I don't even know why I'm typing this since the admin considers me an idiot with zero influence.

Are you saying that we should either get rid of #outlaws or undo the IRC bans, but not have both? Personally, I think this "wedge" and the sympathizers is just the natural result of banning someone who has friends. Naturally, they'll speak up in favor of their friend, even when it's a closed case sort of deal, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't ban someone just because they have lots of friends on the site or their friends try really hard to get them unbanned. The only reason this outcry didn't reach a peak until just now was because the full effect of the CE leak ban didn't set in until just now, so everyone suddenly feels what it means to have a friend banned.

As for the activity levels in the chat room, do we even really want three quarters of the activity to be the same 2 or 3 people who always happen to be there? Should the reason people join the channel be so they can chat specifically with Laith and teaflower about cocks and underage girls or stupid older brothers and sisters, or about not having anything to eat? I don't think so.

The real purpose of the IRC channel is simply to give site members a means to chit chat with each other about little things that would just spam up the forums or to collaborate in real time. It's to keep people from doing what Shadow D Darkman used to do and sit around all day posting 30-40 one-line responses to every new post and topic. There doesn't have to be a ton of crazy bullshit going on all the time just to accomplish that, just enough people to say hi and maybe strike up a short conversation with.

But hell, it didn't even exist more than a few months ago, and may not exist more than another year or so.

Also, what's with all the passive aggressive bullshit? If you have something to say, then say it and stick to it. Quit with this, "But it won't matter because the person in charge won't listen" or "I'd probably get banned for saying" bullshit and just say what you want to say. Do so in a public forum like this one if a private chat doesn't have an effect, and then judge the persuasive value of your argument on the result.

And if you want to complain about someone blowing you off, then address it frankly.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 10:01:05 am by Ramsus »


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Re: IRC Policy??
« Reply #48 on: June 23, 2009, 12:46:52 pm »
I was referring to what Z said about me. #Outlaws will just split conversation. If those people aren't welcome to the community no need to give them false hope or anything just completely get rid of them so they can move on. This is almost the equivalent of leading someone on.


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Re: IRC Policy??
« Reply #49 on: June 23, 2009, 12:57:32 pm »
The IRC bans with channel #Outlaw are splitting the community and really just driving a wedge between sympathizers and people for the bans. Conversation is actually more active in #Outlaws than #Compendium in my experience. Then again I don't even know why I'm typing this since the admin considers me an idiot with zero influence.

#compendium and #outlaws activity really depends on the time of day. I was in both for most of yesterday and there was hardly a word said in Outlaws, compared to a long running and (mostly) intelligent discussion in #compendium. Maybe it's more active when you're there, because you actually talk. Besides, you can't base judgement about the IRC on just a few days' or weeks' experience. Give it a bit more time before making your verdict.


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Re: IRC Policy??
« Reply #50 on: June 23, 2009, 03:57:54 pm »
As for the activity levels in the chat room, do we even really want three quarters of the activity to be the same 2 or 3 people who always happen to be there? Should the reason people join the channel be so they can chat specifically with Laith and teaflower about cocks and underage girls or stupid older brothers and sisters, or about not having anything to eat? I don't think so.

Haha, this has to be my most favorite of your arguments =D


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Re: IRC Policy??
« Reply #51 on: June 23, 2009, 04:07:03 pm »
It seems, besides the very bannable infractions teaflower was involved in, that there is concern for her well-being in real life given that the Compendium had been her escape from real life crappiness. For those of you who have such concerns, remember that the Compendium is one among many videogame-oriented sites with fantastic forum communities. Leaking a copy of Crimson Echoes after the C&D gets a person banned from the Compendium certainly, but doesn't get you banned from other fan communities.

I've been doing some ghosting of the Suikoden fan communities out there, for example, and there's at least three very active forum communities. I imagine that this trend holds with several other videogame series; those who have been banned from the Compendium and feel deprived on an emotional level need to seek out the great beyond, because there's some wonderful things waiting out there.


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Re: IRC Policy??
« Reply #52 on: June 23, 2009, 06:12:33 pm »
I do agree that the outlaws thing is driving a wedge between the community, but I guess it's because of who goes there. Jutty, I wouldn't say one channel is more active than the other. Sometimes #compendium is more active.

Kid123, don't be silly. If some people comment on your language, just remind them you aren't a native speaker. I have come to realize that the mods here don't just ban people on personal vandettas, so even if it is a "problem" on other communities, it isn't here.

Also, I just want to say that I appreciate the dialog. On most other communities, this thread would be closed before even hitting page two. I appreciate the patience Ramsus has, even though I don't agree with his position.

I guess that makes a nice community, which is why, barring some other new rules, I probably won't leave.


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Re: IRC Policy??
« Reply #53 on: June 28, 2009, 11:09:40 pm »
I'mma ban everyone from IRL if the emoing keeps up.