Steam save bug got fixed, but there's still bugs preventing you from seeing how much items cost.
The anime cutscenes are terrible because they are often forced upon you, defy the original designs, (Look at how they butchered Lavos. Barely any spikes. No eye, no intimidating, red, spiral-y mouth textures. Instead they made him look like a dried sponge with a rim of spikes... And in that cutscene they also made Janus smile while telling Crono he was going to die... So out of character and random)
Plus the rehashed, uncreative Toriyama designs really stand out, especially with Glenn.
They honestly DID fix a lot with the translation and I'll give credit where credit is due. But I dislike the renaming of some enemies and some items... Things like "Ruminator" are still much more intimidating than "Hydraconda". (However the "heal" item being renamed was appreciated, lol) It also reads much more like a written script while the SNES translation felt more like natural spoken words for the most part. I was fine with Frog's accent leaving too, that is actually a big improvement on the DS' part. Dimensional Vortex was fun too, I agree. Nice having some new hard bosses, too. And the ending was sad and interesting.
I just really dislike them slapping the anime cutscene on you first because it really ruins the simplicity pendulum intro by forcing something else in front of it, and even a quick tap or button press still is rather annoying. The sound differences aren't as noticeable, except for when the synths are off or PSX samples are being used instead of more SNES-like ones.
Seriously, listen to the DS and the SNES versions of Zeal, Undersea, and Last Battle and tell me the DS didn't butcher the synths. Honestly, check out Mathew Valente's video on the SNES-PSX-DS music comparisons, it is very interesting and can help give you a lot more insight onto this stuff.
The big screen is actually VERY appreciated from my standing. I don't like having to cram my focus to a small screen to see what's going on.
I also talked to a few people in the past about this topic, so I'll share what they have to say.
One person I know played a version of the game with the DS translation, then went back and played the PSX, and actually preferred the old translation. I don't actually know why, but I think it's interesting how the "better" translation is immediately cast aside by an unbiased opinion about the game. Another person I know would vouch for the SNES as the best because it's best to see how something was originally meant to be made first, even if something later is said to improve on it. Would you rather watch the original Star Wars trilogy or the later rerelease with unnecessary "improvements" by the creators?
Both translations have their strengths and faults, and I'm not sure if I would be able to choose one if I really had to. But comparing is interesting. Anyone else have anything to add about that, I'm invested and interested in this conversation.