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I propose this:Winter's Fragments - FAN FICTION CONTEST running December through the end of February.Spring's Gift - FAN ART CONTEST running March through the end of May.Dream Splash Summer's Cry - FAN FESTIVAL on a common theme running June through the end of August.Autumn's Fate - DIRECTED FAN FICTION COLLABORATION on a common story thread running September through the end of November.Autumn's Fate is reminiscent of Project ZEAL. We could very easily revive Project ZEAL as a perpetual activity and make Autumn's Fate a remixing contest, but we'll probably get zero participation.So it's up to you. My activity in all of this is going to be minimal. In the absence of feedback, I'll go with the above, since I'm concerned that a perpetual Project ZEAL might burn out effort for all the other contests.~ALSO, Chrono Cross's tenth birthday is coming up, but I have flat out nothing for it. It looks like getting it as TFA on Wikipedia will be the only celebration. « Last Edit: August 09, 2009, 12:39:16 pm by ZeaLitY » Logged DarthMagus Earthbound (+15) Posts: 39 The Sith Lord of the Kingdom of Zeal Re: Site Events « Reply #1 on: August 09, 2009, 12:02:58 pm » What would the fan festival entail? Just a celebration of works created by and for fans? « Last Edit: August 09, 2009, 01:02:50 pm by DarthMagus » Logged ZeaLitY Entity End of Timer (+10000) Posts: 10797 Spring Breeze Dancin' Re: Site Events « Reply #2 on: August 09, 2009, 12:33:26 pm » The Dream Splash basically allows for any fan expression, but it has to be on a common theme, like Zeal, or El Nido (which hasn't been done properly yet). Music, art, fiction, physical art, mini-games, anything goes. Logged DarthMagus Earthbound (+15) Posts: 39 The Sith Lord of the Kingdom of Zeal Re: Site Events « Reply #3 on: August 09, 2009, 01:03:27 pm » That sounds like it would bee a lot of fun. Logged Zephira Bounty Hunter Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1541 You're not afraid of the dark, are you?...Are you? Re: Site Events « Reply #4 on: August 09, 2009, 02:19:42 pm » So sad that I missed the Zeal Dream Splash, but here's looking forward to the next one!Having a perpetual fanfiction project would probably be a big burn out and lead to minimal participation in the other projects. Logged FaustWolf Guru of Time Emeritus Arbiter (+8000) Posts: 8972 Fan Power Advocate Re: Site Events « Reply #5 on: August 09, 2009, 02:23:06 pm » The very idea of the Dream Splash is just fantastic; it's what drove me to register here in the first place back in 2007. Maybe a Zeal theme re-do since so many people have registered since then and missed it the first go-around?Thought had proposed earlier that some peeps might eventually want to get together and record voiceovers for select awesome Crimson Echoes scenes. Whether that's a Dream Splash sort of thing or whether it might fit into Autumn's FATE somehow, or could become a major site project, probably depends on the amount of steam it would pick up. But the idea's out there anyway. Logged Zephira Bounty Hunter Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1541 You're not afraid of the dark, are you?...Are you? Re: Site Events « Reply #6 on: August 09, 2009, 02:26:07 pm » If the Dream Splash has anything to do with the goings on in Magus' Castle, or what happened during the ten years between Cyrus' death and CT, I probably wouldn't mind missing Zeal so much Although, that voiceover thing also sounds fun. Didn't we have a CT voiceover thing going a while ago? Logged V_Translanka Interim Global Moderator Arbiter (+8000) Posts: 8340 Destroyer of Worlds Re: Site Events « Reply #7 on: August 09, 2009, 06:09:00 pm » Quote from: ZeaLitY on August 09, 2009, 10:59:42 amWinter's Fragments - FAN FICTION CONTEST running December through the end of February.Spring's Gift - FAN ART CONTEST running March through the end of May.Dream Splash Summer's Cry - FAN FESTIVAL on a common theme running June through the end of August.Autumn's Fate - DIRECTED FAN FICTION COLLABORATION on a common story thread running September through the end of November.That sounds pretty good to me...I think if we put together something a bit more vaguely connected, a fanfic collab could perhaps work easier than Project ZEAL did in terms of keeping people interested & on track...*shrugs* Logged Shee Temporal Warrior (+900) Posts: 942 Sheeeeeeit Re: Site Events « Reply #8 on: August 10, 2009, 05:15:51 am » A remixing competition sounds cool to me, probably as that's what I'm most competent in out of the things listed here. Of course, the one I had almost finished (posted a bit back in the submissions thread) I lost all the files for.... guess that's my $00.02...I wouldn't be shocked if there wasn't a ton of participation, either. Logged V_Translanka Interim Global Moderator Arbiter (+8000) Posts: 8340 Destroyer of Worlds Re: Site Events « Reply #9 on: August 10, 2009, 05:59:08 am » The lil short fanfic I just knocked out got me thinking that it might be interesting to see an, "Elsewhere..." fanfic contest or project in which we would tell tales of the parts of the Chrono series that happen off-screen or that we're told of second-hand...Not that fanfic-ers haven't already been doing such, but it just struck me as something kind of interesting...*shrugs* Logged FaustWolf Guru of Time Emeritus Arbiter (+8000) Posts: 8972 Fan Power Advocate Re: Site Events « Reply #10 on: August 10, 2009, 08:19:45 pm » What shall we do for this year's Dream Splash given that it's already mid August? Is it still on? When will it begin? ...dare I ask if it's time to choose a theme? Logged GenesisOne Bounty Seeker Dimension Crosser (+1000) Posts: 1215 "Time Travel? Possible? Don't make me laugh!" Re: Site Events « Reply #11 on: August 10, 2009, 08:23:27 pm » I would personally like to see this "Dream Splash" that everybody keeps talking about.I registered here long after that happened, and it has officially piqued my interest.I'm still on for the Winter Fragment's Contest with my next chapter of The Real World - Chrono Trigger. « Last Edit: August 12, 2009, 03:35:24 am by GenesisOne » Logged Lord J Esq Moon Stone J Hero of Time (+5000) Posts: 5463 ^_^ "Ayla teach at college level!!" Re: Site Events « Reply #12 on: August 12, 2009, 01:48:51 am » A remix competition sounds great! I don't know if we'd get many entrants, but the music is one of the series' richest treasures! Logged FaustWolf Guru of Time Emeritus Arbiter (+8000) Posts: 8972 Fan Power Advocate Re: Site Events « Reply #13 on: August 12, 2009, 02:17:54 am » GenesisOne, have you seen the previous Dream Splash!es? I think you should see them both under the "Special Events and Feedback" forum heading. Logged IAmSerge Temporal Warrior (+900) Posts: 964 Re: Site Events « Reply #14 on: August 12, 2009, 04:27:33 am » Ugh, I wanted to participate in one of these, but.....whats coming up is semi-RP....I enjoy RPs, but I dont think ill have the time.=( Logged Print Pages: [1] « previous next » Chrono Compendium » Zenan Plains - Site Discussion » Chrono Compendium Discussion » Site Events