Author Topic: I'm FINALLY going to Australia!  (Read 1873 times)


  • Dimension Crosser (+1000)
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Re: I'm FINALLY going to Australia!
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2009, 11:03:34 am »
the tickets were several dollars more expensive than in America. Ah well. It's nice to get a second chance to see Coraline in theaters since I missed it in America.

The Australian and New Zealandese dollar is worth about half of the American dollar. So, movie ticket's $8 here would be $16 AU dollars.

Oh and we went to the mall and saw Coraline. Even though it was the half price today

Oh crap, now you just blew my mind! :shock:


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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Re: I'm FINALLY going to Australia!
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2009, 11:35:48 pm »
My friend's computer broked so that's why I haven't been posting. Also I can't post pics. Oh well.

So since I posted we went to this animal park and I did pet a kangaroo. but it was one of those very tiny docile-looking ones and not a giant 6 foot one. It liked being pet.

Truth, apparently the Australian dollar used to be a lot lower, but now it's over 80 cents to the US dollar so it's not quite like that anymore due to the economic downturn.

Not sure when I will come back next time (if I do before I go home) because at home I can only use the wii for the internet and it is sucky for typing anything... or really doing anything for that matter.

Byez  :kz


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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Re: I'm FINALLY going to Australia!
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2009, 09:29:39 am »
the computer got fixed. there was a "loose screw in the motherboard".

I uploaded all my pics thus far. I come home on Thursday.

pics =

I will write a much more detailed account at some point.