Thank you one and all for the warm welcome. So many forums out there are filled with self-important a-holes. And what would I want to associate with people so like myself, anyway? Glad to see that's not the case here.
I shall now reply to your welcomes in no particular order:
Ah, a grand introduction, I see. I would not ever fault overdramatasism. But whatever does the title of the subject mean? I cannot decipher it any which way.
The Hero To None is my unofficial 'net title, stemming form my pre-teen and teenage desire to help people (ie: be their hero) and yet failing in that regard in every single attempt (ie: I wound up being nobody’s hero, or a 'hero to none'). I have since grown out of that desire, realizing the folly of helping out my fellow man for the sole purpose of being called a 'hero'. I still use the title though, as a reminder of past mistakes. That, and I think it sounds cool.
Xenogears > Xenosaga.
Welcome aboard, Silvercry.
I am of the opinion the U-DO = Deus*, therefore Xenosaga and Xenogears are the same game. Or at the very least, Xenosaga is a re-telling of Xenogears. Remember, the PS1 game was supposed to be Episode 5 of a larger, and unfinished tale.
Besides, I’d rather spend 30+ hours looking at Shion in bikini than Id any day.
If you think that theory is out there, you should hear my Rinoa is Ultimecia theoryAlso...Have you played FFVI (formerly FFIII on the SNES) or FFTactics? They're the only two games that I personally think compete with Chrono Trigger...Star Ocean is pretty close (but I haven't beaten it yet) and Vagrant Story is pretty awesome (haven't beaten that yet either though). I still have yet to enjoy the Xeno series though...I hope to someday play the damn things...
Played both FF VI and Tatctics. FF VI is the best FF ever, hands down. Tatcics I didn’t like so much. Story was marred by a horrible translation, and the pusedo-strategic combat style bored me to tears. I also have a problem with games that throw too many classes/jobs at me, though that’s a personal issue more than any flaw I can blame the game for. Give me the option to do/be anything, and I wind up doing/being nothing. Had the same problem with FF V, FF Tactics Advance, and Grad Theft Auto 3.
I think that covers everyone… so tell me: Has anyone ever tried/seen a fic that chronicles the Dinopolis/Chronoplis War?