Author Topic: Should I file a lawsuit against  (Read 1932 times)


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Should I file a lawsuit against
« on: December 31, 2009, 04:21:56 am »
I have edited this like a gazillion times as the first message was much angrier.

I am willing to go thru the necessary paperwork to file a claim against being falsely banned  and them not accepting my apologies nor giving me proof on why I was banned so I feel very cheated.

Short version of the long epic story:

Am I the ONLY one to be manhandle by the uncaring staff at   :o :shock: :?

Here's what happened:   I find thread for a program/software called OPEN SPC and tried to seek/ask information about it as there was very little to begin with.     Mostly talk about soundfonts that never got anywhere. :P

Staff member decided to have a emo problem with me and then falsey accuses me of stuff that is untrue so I get angry back and get banned and I don't even remember what I wrote back except a threat which I won't go into here.    

Staff member won't accept SECOND  apology and instead get's angrier which makes me angry/depressed.   :picardno  

No I won't name who it is in case it makes the case go against me even more as I am paranoid about my rights.  :picardno


Do I even have the right to file a lawsuit against a website and if so what are the necessary steps needed which I will ask dad to help me as I am not a driver......................yet and have to rely on his screwed the *beep* up schedule.

Should I just wait and hang on till I can drive myself when I get my full Class C license to get to court? As I think courthouses also have screwy courtdates and I don't want to put dad thru any more burden then he already is going thru.

Should I even threaten with a lawsuit in order to get the proof I need or will that hurt my reputation more then it already is making a bad case go worse/to pot and thus losing my chance?

Never mind my thread due to my opposite curse.  
 I have an extremely powerful spiritual entity mad at me and is going to stop at nothing to ruin my life and OTHERS with the 'opposite chaos curse' as I dubbed it until I either A:  Kill myself or B: Go so mad with frustration I get put away in a mental insitution which then I won't have access to the internet  Aka Chrono Compendium unless I hack into the Warden's computer somehow and that will never do.

I am an extreme danger to all of the Compendiums on here every single time I post which can be monitered by said enity so I am going to do favors to God and end my life as I am also an enemy of heaven which is a long story I refuse to post on a public forum but the basic charges are for Blasphmey.

I have extreme *spiritual* warrants out for my arrest and I want to get my problems *over with* so I won't put people like you in any more danger.

I will be lucky to even get a fair trial when I die as a result of what I have done as it will be more then I deserve.  :picardno

The only reason why I am saying this is so my thread will hopefully get deleted and shredded before the spiritual deity takes control and tracks/hunts me down.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 06:30:54 am by TriforceofEternity »


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Re: Should I file a lawsuit against
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2009, 01:07:36 pm »
So have you ever considered rehabilitation?

Prince Janus

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Re: Should I file a lawsuit against
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2009, 05:55:27 pm »
 I'm curious as to how far your lawsuit would get.

EDIT: Holy shit, you're suing because you got banned from their forum?   :capn  Typical American.  :picardno

     Okay, Triforce, one, you cannot sue an internet board because they barred you from their own domain, no matter how illigitimate it was. Secondly, if you are being hunted down by a spiritual entity, then why is it taking so long?

     You've asked us for advice in many, MANY frivelous acts, and quite frankly, it's practically all I ever read from you. While you're at it, sue gravity for not enabling you to fly. If you don't have serious mental problems (and frankly, 90% of the time, people who post things like this really don't), then kindly stop.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 06:02:29 pm by Captain B »


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Re: Should I file a lawsuit against
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2009, 06:04:13 pm »
Lay off for a second guys, my guess is there's some severe and real emotional difficulties on display here. Triforce, please check your PMs.

And Triforce, examining your belief that there's some kind of demons after you or whatever: have you ever considered the possibility that these spiritual things don't actually exist, and you're simply suffering discrimination due to your autism? It is often difficult for those of us who are not autistic to relate to those who are, and that could be the source of a lot of dilemmas you've been experiencing. Or at least it was my understanding that you have Asperger's Syndrome or something; correct me if I'm wrong.

Prince Janus

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Re: Should I file a lawsuit against
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2009, 06:11:23 pm »
Lay off for a second guys, my guess is there's some severe and real emotional difficulties on display here. Triforce, please check your PMs.

And Triforce, examining your belief that there's some kind of demons after you or whatever: have you ever considered the possibility that these spiritual things don't actually exist, and you're simply suffering discrimination due to your autism? It is often difficult for those of us who are not autistic to relate to those who are, and that could be the source of a lot of dilemmas you've been experiencing. Or at least it was my understanding that you have Asperger's Syndrome or something; correct me if I'm wrong.

 Faustwolf, I commend your sympathetic response to this, but I strongly doubt that Autism, Especially Asperger's Syndrome, is responsible here. I have been afflicted with that illness all my life, and I never recall this happening.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 07:17:19 pm by Captain B »


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Re: Should I file a lawsuit against
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2009, 06:24:11 pm »
I really hope this doesn't come across as offensive Triforce, but maybe you should go to a therapist or a psychiatrist, if you aren't already seeing one.  I'm not saying you're crazy, but it sounds as if you're in a lot of pain and going through a lot of emotional turmoil, and maybe psychiatric help might aid you in some way.


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Re: Should I file a lawsuit against
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2009, 07:33:24 pm »

@Captain B: Asperger's Syndrome isn't an illness.  It's a form of autism.  In fact, it's merely having a slight amount of autism. 

You don't "catch" Asperger's Syndrome.  You're born with it and you live with it for the rest of your life, just like any other mental disorder anyone might possess.

@ToE: You're not in possession of Autism, let alone Asperger's Syndrome.  I've worked with people who've had such mental disorders, and from what I can tell from your post, you don't show any signs of A.S.

You could very well be bi-polar, which is actually treatable. 

As for suing VGMusic, I'd have to say it's the equivalent of suing an airline service because you didn't get the complimentary peanuts on one of their flights.  If by some amazing means you accomplish this lawsuit and on the infinitesimal chance you win, you get the free peanuts, when really you could have gotten some down at the corner store.

Believe me when I say this: It's not worth it.


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Re: Should I file a lawsuit against
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2009, 07:48:52 pm »
After looking at the topic of this thread, it sounds like an angry rant that spirald down even further into the toilet with a violent mood swing. I would have to say that you might just be bipolar and seek therapy like Sajanta suggested.

Prince Janus

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Re: Should I file a lawsuit against
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2010, 12:29:55 am »

@Captain B: Asperger's Syndrome isn't an illness.  It's a form of autism.  In fact, it's merely having a slight amount of autism.  

You don't "catch" Asperger's Syndrome.  You're born with it and you live with it for the rest of your life, just like any other mental disorder anyone might possess.

You sir are completely misunderstanding what I posted. Not once did I ever say you could catch aspergers. And I acknowledged that it was a form of Autism. Please pay close attention, GenesisOne, when I tell you, that I have a form of Autism, and that form *IS* Aspergers. I don't want to have to explain myself even further for people. (it's extremely irritating.)


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Re: Should I file a lawsuit against
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2010, 01:47:34 am »
You specifically called autism an illness.

I tend to disagree, seeing how I have Asperger's myself, and there's no need to explain anything.  I know all about it, and I have found myself breaking all sorts of stereotypes associated with it.

Still, everybody's different with what they have.  Even so, I'm not upset at you.  I'm simply insulted at the fact that AS has been classified as a disease.]]has been classified as a disease.  I mean, have you seen the misconceptions surrounding it?

- People with Asperger's are sometimes perceived as having low intelligence, when in fact, they are often extremely bright, especially in particular areas.
- People with Asperger's may seem rude and obnoxious, when in actuality they are often just being honest. One of their areas of difficulty is often knowing how to use tact when talking to someone else.
- They may have a large vocabulary, but they may have problems with reading comprehension.
- They may seem to ignore certain instructions, when in reality they don't do well with a variety of instructions given at one time.
- They may appear to ignore others simply because they have difficulty making eye contact, but for the most part, they have heard what was said.

That's just me, though.  What says you?

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Re: Should I file a lawsuit against
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2010, 02:27:59 am »
 I said it was an illness, I never said it was something you catch.


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Re: Should I file a lawsuit against
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2010, 03:22:35 am »

Lord J Esq

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Re: Should I file a lawsuit against
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2010, 04:46:44 am »
That line of conversation stops now.