Author Topic: So, what happens to the queen...  (Read 8383 times)


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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #45 on: March 12, 2011, 12:23:49 am »
Ahh, this is an interesting topic. I actually think the Queen is highly underrated; I am generally very pro-Woosley, but I honestly think it's mostly his fault. She sounds like a hysterical bitch in his translation, rather than the regal-if-batshit monarch I envision her to be. That characterization appears a bit more clearly in the translation.

I personally like the theory that the Queen was exposed to Lavos without initially understanding what Lavos is, exactly. Every other major character has some kind of warning before they encounter Lavos directly; CML see the tape of Lavos' destruction, and the Zeal children and Gurus witness the fate of their mother. I always imagined that Zeal made contact with Lavos when her defenses were down... not precisely because of the fate of her husband, as has been suggested -- though that does explain her obsession with immortality -- but moreso because she had no idea what she was getting into. Like all Zealians, she was curious and believed that any aspect of the world could be understood, explored, used for the better good. After that, I envision her having a Lovecraftian experience of exposure to something unfathomably alien and menacing and slowly going insane.

The Japanese translation seems to tip the scales in favor of her having lived somewhat:

Quote from: Gaspar
The Black Omen is gone, and so too was
that woman at long last able to settle into slumber.
She was able to turn back into being a person...

'Slumber' could easily mean death, of course, but 'turning back into a person' doesn't suggest death.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #46 on: March 12, 2011, 02:49:08 am »
I read it more like she had achieved immortality at the cost of her humanity, but being stripped of that immortality, and thus, dying, made her human again. The ability to die is more human than the monstrous form she'd become.


  • Squaretable Knight (+400)
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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #47 on: March 12, 2011, 01:55:51 pm »
Ah, OK... that makes sense, too. So I suppose it's pretty much completely ambiguous? Because what Gaspar says doesn't suggest, to me, that she sacrificed herself for Lavos; she wasn't portrayed as a servant to Lavos so much as an acolyte who desired immortality. So she either died or lived, and it's a toss-up either way.

I think her character's due for more exploration, so I hope she lived. Hmm. Fanfic ideas....  :?

The word 'slumber' is an intriguing choice in light of the fact that the Black Dream is, well, a nightmare that she was a part of.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 06:47:23 pm by Syna »