I totally thought this was in reference to the Doctor Who episode. Now I am disappointed and disillusioned.
I don't know what stopped you talking but I can guess. They're coming. The Angels are coming for you, but listen -- your life could depend on this -- don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you could believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink.
'K, so I've been going through old discussions, and I seriously thought that this thread was talking about the Doctor Who episode too. I saw that a few weeks ago and I freaked the FUCK out. If I wasn't with friends (and thus slightly able to compose myself), I would have screamed a number of times. That was honestly one of the scariest things I've ever watched. You have
no idea how many nightmares I've had where I'm watching something, then turn around or look away for one second, and then when I look back it's much closer.
When D and I were driving back to our apartment, we passed a church with two carved statues on the front and I almost screamed "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SPEED UP." Although in retrospect that wouldn't have done any good anyway. Those creepy statues could've been right behind our car in seconds.

...Yeah, I totally just got creeped out writing this, and looked behind me to see if there were any super terrifying angels in my apartment. -______-