Either way, I haven't read anything you've written yet but in about two paragraphs you've proven your ability to craft a story, which is key. 
How far is your Chrono Trigger novel project coming along? I remember seeing it about ten years ago - assuming that was you. I read a few pages a few years ago and see you pop in the 'pendium every now and then.
First of all, I need to make clear that there are two distinct Chrono Trigger novel projects going on. The first one is the one I think you're talking about, and that has nothing to do with me. That project is being done by Wayne Kramer, and was first conceived about 15 years ago, according to him. He has been in direct contact with Square/Enix regarding the project, but apparently has had little success in green-lighting the novel - or in convincing S/E to revive the Chrono franchise. The project has an official website:
http://www.chronotrigger.info There are a few sample chapters to download, but those have not been updated in quite some time. Wayne's version is very faithful to CT canon, using a lot of the same dialogue, situations, and characterizations seen in the original game. He doesn't expand on things a whole lot, from what I've read of his version. That's not meant to be a criticism, just an observation. There are probably a few Compendiumites who would prefer a more canon interpretation of the story, and I respect that.
My own project was conceived in the summer of 2009 - due in no small part to learning that someone, Wayne, was making a serious attempt at novelizing a game that was really dear to my heart. But I wanted to do something that was quite a bit more ambitious: remake the world of Chrono Trigger for a new generation, and finish the story that Masato Kato wanted to complete (in the form of Chrono Break) but was denied by Square/Enix in favor of other projects. In remaking the world of Chrono, staying as true as possible to the themes of the original story, I would have the freedom to greatly expand the scope of the world, the characters, and their motivations - as well as introducing a few new characters and changing some old ones in ways both minor and major. I also want to establish a definitive beginning, middle, and end to the Chrono saga, and hopefully pen something that fans and non-fans can look at with satisfaction for years to come. Crono, Marle, and Lucca are wonderful characters that deserve both depth and closure. Serge, Kid, and Leena also deserve a chance to shine in their own time, as neither of these sets of characters can achieve true closure without the other. I will also incorporate a lot of ideas seen in fan art, as well as a few elements seen in the (sadly cancelled) fan-game Crimson Echoes.
I have so far posted nine full chapters of the first book of Chrono Trigger (Episode I - pending title) that should be very close to what the final completed version will look like when it's done. (Whenever that is. I'm notoriously slow in posting completed chapters.

http://www.chronocompendium.com/Forums/index.php/topic,8892.0.htmlhttp://www.chronocompendium.com/Forums/index.php/topic,9376.0.htmlIn addition to these, I have done quite a bit of work outlining scenes and general plot points across the four planned books. (I might not have posted anything since July, but I haven't been idle.)
To return to the subject of Chrono Cross, I'd like to know what the Compendium thinks about Leena; her attitudes, dreams, and motivations. I'm planning (in the very early stages, mind you) a lot of fundamental changes to this character, but I don't want things to go completely off the rails in my musings. She'll remain the "girl next door" in any case, but I also want her to be a lot more important to the plot.
"All things begin with Nu and end with Nu. I could not have imagined such a thing, but I have seen it. Why Gaspar does nothing, I cannot comprehend. Supreme knowledge lies within our grasp, and yet we will not close our hand. The elder has failed us, and now Melchior is lost. I have little choice but to intervene directly, though I fear I am not yet prepared for such a task. Regardless, the future of Zeal depends upon the voice of Reason. My duty is clear." - Belthazar, Guru of Reason - 204th millennium of the Age of Ascension