far as I can tell, Matt Patt takes a few ideas and then tries to pitch the presentation enough just to make things seem viable. More often then not, when I know or do some dabbling in researching a few particulars, it does seem he leaves stuff out for convenience, or rather, he knows the extent of the idea has flaws and the point is simply the fun of the idea.
However, japan does have a particular tendency to glean from their perception of biblical accounts for their manga, anime and video games. I know i'm missing some minor stuff, but even major, successful or well-known productions in manga, anime and games do have biblical references. Stuff like: Neon Genesis Evangelian & Xenosaga (particularly the 3rd episode) are more obvious… and probably a number of other stuff where the villain is actually a "deity" of sort sort.
That said, its not uncommon for a number of productions to glean from, homage, or be influenced by a number of other materials around the world (incredibles vs fantastic four for example), intentionally and/or acknowledged or not. To make the assertion that Chrono was directly and intentional influenced as the video claims would probably need more support be delving into japanese stories and mythos and what is presented by "Christ" to the western bible may have similar stories told in another parts of the world that have had their own take, and those could be the references for Chrono instead of say, said bible.