A period at the end of the sentence is so vital that you can't understand what I'm saying? Holy hell, American children are dumber than I thought.
Now who's insulting me? I'm actually Russian, and I live in Australia....
I'm not gonna comment. This answers itself.
Hypocrite >.>
spam! OMG don't spam U n00b!1 n00b!111
Same as above.
You're aware there's no R sound in the Japanese language, and how four or five of those words don't even translate into anything?
"I...The...Kato(Name of an Emperor)...Four....--...speechless...I....---....Sho(Musical Instrument)"
So apparently, you're stupid and wanted to show off or something?
Nope, actually I wasn't.
Boku no kato shi ra nai i de sho.
Ofcourse there is a R sound in Japanese. Ra, Ri, Ru Re, Ro. But it's confusing. When my Japanese teacher has to say something like "Roman" in english, she says it as "Loman", but otherwise says normal japanese things with the R but says there is no R sound and said 6 is Roku but said you can also do Loku. This whole L=!R thing is annoying.
Anyway, it was supposed to mean "You don't know me" Or literal translation "You don't know my things". I wasn't using Kanji for that lol. But ofcourse, Japanese is harder to read without Kanji, and to the learners, Kanji is hard to learn XD
And nah, I wasn't trying to look cool, Bakamono, I was trying to act pompus in Japanese, AuraTwighlight Yariman desu