Author Topic: Extension of my Fiendlady fanfic  (Read 1748 times)

Schala Zeal

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Extension of my Fiendlady fanfic
« on: February 03, 2013, 03:51:36 am »
I've been researching up on Chrono Ark and while I know only bits and pieces of its story, I decided to integrate some of it into this extension of my Fiendlady fanfic:

While Lavos has died, it left behind an inert embryo in the earliest reaches of time (the darkness BEFORE time, if you will). With Crono and friends, as well as Serge, Lynx and Harle jumping through time, it agitated this embryo, beginning to grow it. Although it may be alive, the embryo lacks a sentience. With the death of the Fiendlady, the fabric of reality begins to get eerie. Areas around the world begin to shift into alternate histories and such. It is then that Belthasar reveals the embryo has gained a sentience -- the one of "undesired existence" -- a lifeform that was misplaced into our timeline where they meant nothing, and desired so badly to have a purpose: in other words, the anti-Chrono Trigger.

Just as the Chrono Trigger's existence is vital to the timeline, the anti-CT is the complete opposite. As the story progresses, it is learned that my alternate self, the Fiendlady, is in fact this anti-Chrono Trigger. When she was slain, her sentience was embodied into the Lavos' embryo. With temporal (CT) and dimensional (CC) manipulations, the sudden tears in reality have provided the embryo a sort of fertilizer. And this has been going on for so long that the embryo has almost matured.

Belthasar calls the entity Protovos -- "beginning fire." Unless it is stopped, the chaos of dimension shifting will only worsen until eventually everything that ever was, would be, or could be, will clash together in an endless violent chaos throughout time and space.