There are some really cool, interesting ideas floating around. On their own, as a gamer, I'd definitely give them a whirl.
Unfortunately, I'm not getting the Chrono vibe. At all. We started this whole brainstorming session in the hopes of first, reinventing Crimson Echoes, and then moved onto a grander objective, creating a spiritual successor to the Chrono series. Thomas Edison and little blobs of goo and whatnot are awesome. Very interesting ideas. But I'm sorry, nothing about them says Chrono. There are loads of stories with time traveling in them. Does that make them feel like the Chrono series? Does Doctor Who (as much as I love it to death) feel like the Chrono series? No, not at all. Time travel =/= Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross.
I realize we aren't making something exactly like the Chrono games. Totally understand that. But it really feels like these ideas are traveling into totally different realms that have nearly nothing in common with the Chrono series. Now I'm not trying to jump in and say "All these ideas are junk, here's my better idea", but rather I'm just trying to steer the ideas in a much more Chrono...y direction.
Okay, brainstorming, you (the protagonist) wake up in a small, modern looking town. You're a young teenage girl with flowing lava red hair and a knack for martial arts and swordplay (we've gotta pay some homage to a certain red-headed swordsman). While the setting looks modern, lets say that technology in your time is still very limited (limited electricity, no firearms/or only muskets and the like, no big cities, town guards and such to keep monsters in the wildernesses away, etc). The protagonist has somewhere to be, a festival, a concert, a fencing competition, I don't care. It would just be somewhere a good amount of people are. While you're there, a young man around your age in fairly odd clothes befriends you, and before you know it, you're whisked through time and space to his era (a much more medieval settings, with knights and wizards and goblins, etc). He explains to you that time is damaged. People and places in his time have been disappearing, and before long, the realm will be in a state of chaos and anarchy (perhaps he took drastic measures and pulled you into his efforts because members of the royal family have been disappearing). He carries an artifact that allows him to traverse the time lanes (he can't choose where he wants to go, he can just travel through time rifts), which brought him to your time. Unfortunately, that rift has since closed, and you have no way of getting home (perhaps you have a personality as fiery as your hair, and this creates a love-hate relationship with the young man). Why did he choose you? Maybe this isn't clear, I'll leave holes on purpose because this is a pretty barebones idea, I'd love for people to fill in the blanks.
What happens from here? I think it would be a cool game mechanic to find time rifts near where people and places have gone missing. You travel into the past, fix what's broken, and the jump back when they're resolved to admire your handiwork (some of these could be vital to the story, some could be sidequests that help people and families, repair civilized areas, nature, etc, for rewards). Now, through your trips through time, you come across a mysterious cloaked figure who tries to thwart your efforts. He's clearly not a good guy, because you're trying to bring people back from the bowels of time and restore their rightful place, while he wishes them dead. Is all of this because of him? Further into the story, maybe the king or queen dies suddenly? It comes out that the time traveling young man is actually the prince. He's completely convinced that time is damaged and the king/queen's death must be changed in time. You fight to change things and succeed... but in doing so, you alter a key event in the planet's history. Time retaliates and tries to correct itself, leading to the very rifts you worked so hard to repair, perhaps even further damage, and you're hurled into another, completely unknown era with no way back (maybe the prince's artifact is damage or lost). All along, perhaps the cloaked man was trying to let the time rifts persist because they were time's way of compensating for the damage you caused through saving the king/queen, and now that you restored them AND irrevocably damaged time, the world is plunged into darkness and destruction.
All of this idea is open to "construction", but especially what happens after this. I could see perhaps that the twisted shell of the world after this point leads to that king/queen who was supposed to die living on, and becoming a powerful, evil tyrant (perhaps this would have happened anyways, hence why they were meant to die, and perhaps it was the cloaked figure who killed them in the true timeline and the prince saw this). Your goal at this point in the game is to kill the very overlord you thought once saved, and in killing them, are able to restore time to its natural balance. And it's sort of thrown in there, but I think it would be interesting for the prince to actually be from another time, sent to his resident era for an unknown reason, carrying the artifact that allows him to travel through time, when he was a baby. Why? I don't know, this whole story is open to construction, new reasoning, etc.
And like I said, I'm not set on saying "My idea is best", and I'm inviting people to take it apart, smash it, and put it back together. The point I'm trying to get at is creating a world and storyline that really feels akin to the Chrono series. I think this general idea could really hit on that mark, and wouldn't be something that is all that difficult to MAKE as a game (I really think it should be a classic RPG like Chrono Trigger as far as gameplay goes).
Any ideas? Pleeease chop this thing up and put it back together.