Author Topic: Chrono Trigger OVA manga translation  (Read 6165 times)


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Chrono Trigger OVA manga translation
« on: September 28, 2013, 03:09:01 pm »
Hi all! I noticed the OVA manga on the site here was untranslated and gave it a look. I translated the first chapter real quick. Unfortunately, I'm not a designer so I don't have a non-tedious, decent looking method, or the time for that matter, for typesetting the text. Instead, I translated it into a text file with some notes should someone want to do the graphic work, or even just to read along. Here is chapter 1; I'll continue with more chapters soon!
:| Time Adventure NuuMamonjaa~ :|
[note: NuuMamonjaa, as we will see later, is an amalgamation of the main characters' names Nuu and Mamo; adding the 'njaa' to the end makes it sound like the Japanese pronunciation of Ranger, as in from a tokusatsu show (i.e. Red Ranger)]
Story: Izawa Hiroshi
Art: Kikuchi Akihiro

Right after these messages! [lit. Right after this!]
Don't change that channel <3

The Story of The Formation of NuuMamonja!
['The Story of' can be optional; comes from the ' Maki' at the end, lit. 'The Scroll of', and is used often with period pieces; probably used to be comically "epic" here]

Long, long ago, way before Nuu and Mamo met

(sfx: rumbling)

A mysterious object was flying through the universe.


Meanwhile, here at the village of the Mamo tribe..


Tomorrow I'm going to climb the mountain, mo

[note: it seems the Mamo end their sentences with Mo; the long o sound is held out, which written in plain text would me moo, which.. looks like the sound a cow makes; may want to typeset it as mō or mo~/mo-]

(sfx: rustling)

I'll pick lots of fruit, mo



(sfx: sparkle)


(sfx: more rumbling, it's literally nubobobo, which is notable for Nu in the front..)


S-Something's happening, mo!!


(sfx: ka-boooom)


My hoooouse! [lit. Mamo's house is...!]


[Uncertain of the text bubble; looks like sound effects for rustling, but as speaking it seems meaningless; maybe *cough* or something]

(sfx: Eh?)


That sure was a fall.

[not 100% certain; it's definitely a pun or wordplay from Mamo's 'Something's happening' (okkotte kuru, which is already a weird spelling) by saying 'okkochita,' which doesn't have a clear meaning; probably related to 'ochita,' fell.]


Who the heck are you, mo?!

I-I'm Nuu.


My favorite thing is my mop.
It's pretty useful when you want to scratch the middle of your back.

(small text: what the heck, what the heck)

Don't tell me about that, mo!!


The House of the Mamo Tribe's Elder


Your honor! [lit. Elder-sama]

(background sfx: chatter, whisper)

I want you to do something about this weird Nuu thing, or whatever it's called, mo!!

(small text: I sure have been caught)


Nuu, or whatever, having come to our village
you must swallow your pride and obey our rules. [lit. 'I'll have you accept our conditions'; accept here is 'nomu' which can also mean to drink, which sets up the next page's pun....]

Well, I sure can swallow this water. [lit. If you want me to swallow, you sure must mean water.]

Don't just drink it on your own, mo...






Waaaa~ What's going on, mo!!

(sfx: kyuuuuuuuuuuuun, the sound of a gate from Chrono Trigger)

Sure dunnoooooo [lit. Daaaa naaaa; he ususally ends sentences with da na, which I usually translate as some form of 'sure am']


(sfx: buoooon, sound of a gate opening)


Aa! That Nuu is gone, mo!!
Now where did he run off to, mo!?


I sure am stuck...


Well then, visitors are a rare sight.

(sfx: wriggling)

Where are we, mo?


This is the place where all time periods intersect, the End of Time. [note: it's actually Farthest Reaches of Time, but End of Time is fine]
I am Hash, the gatekeeper of the farthest reaches.


I hate this gloomy place, mo! I'm going back to the village, mo!

Ho, ho, ho (slow laugh)


If you wish to return, you may jump into that bucket.


You should have said so sooner, mo!

Bye bye!

(sfx: jump)






There was something terrible in there, mo!!

It was bumpy...

(sfx: trembling)

Ho, ho, ho


That thing is Lavos, the life-form from outer space.
And this guy's Ramos. [reference to Ruy Ramos, and google a picture, you'll see the resemblance]


It is a dreadful creature that exerts an evil force on all time periods...


I don't wanna go back to something like that, mo!! What do we do, mo? What do we do, mo?



You could just give up!


Why do I have to live in a place like this, mo!!
And with this guy, too!!

You two make a great combination.


Flash [as in flash a glare]

(sfx: rub, pick)


(sfx: sound of light turning on)

Truly, I had a short life, mo.


Seriously. We should come up with a name for you as a pair!
What are your names?

Mamo here, mo!

I'm Nuu


If we combine the two of you, Nuu and Mamo...
(sfx: Hmmm...)


The Farthest Reaches Comedy Brothers!!


What do you think?

That has nothing to do with our names, mo!!


(sign: Spekkio's Room)

There's no choice, mo.
If we're stuck living here, let's make ourselves at home, mo!


(sfx: bang from door opening)

W-what are you!?


Who do you think I am!?
I'm the great God of War, Spekkio!


Alright, first off, we change the wallpaper, mo!




Let's throw out that dirty futon.





(sign: NuuMamonjaa's Room)


So that's that then.


Heeeey, so you've decided on a name for your partnershi--


(sfx: mop squeaking)

My room...

Thus was the formation of NuuMamonjaa. Go, go, NuuMamonjaa! Until you return to your own time period!

edit: fixed up some grammar and wording since this appears on the front page now!
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 06:23:56 pm by RyogaMasaki »


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Re: Chrono Trigger OVA manga translation
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2013, 11:28:27 pm »
It's been a while since you were here.
No, it hasn't been translated yet, though a user called Sauzer was working on it earlier this year.


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Re: Chrono Trigger OVA manga translation
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2013, 03:08:03 pm »
We might be able to get someone from one of the Jump translating sites to do cleanup and typesetting work; having it translated would remove the biggest hurdle by far. Feel free to keep going as long as you've got the urge! I'll make sure your progress gets added to Supporting Material Translation.

Now we really have a chance of knocking out Material Requiring Translation by the end of 2014. Light in the darkness!


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Re: Chrono Trigger OVA manga translation
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2013, 06:32:26 pm »
It's been a while since you were here.

Yeah, haven't exactly had anything to contribute unfortunately. I re-hosted my old Chrono site for nostalgia, but that's about it, hehe. Hopefully I can churn out these translations relatively quickly and change that.

We might be able to get someone from one of the Jump translating sites to do cleanup and typesetting work

That would be fantastic. Too much life and not enough time to do it on my own. Translations forthcoming though! They are indeed quite simple, with childish grammar and furigana (thankfully) and predictable little boy humor; it doesn't take very long to get through a chapter.


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Re: Chrono Trigger OVA manga translation
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2013, 02:36:41 pm »
Oh man, yeah, you're that RyogaMasaki. That's awesome. We were thrilled when GlitterBerri translated the Prerelease stuff (there's still some nigh-indecipherable portions from earlier builds here and there).

Reminds me of how it felt back then when we were first exploring all of was the wild west. Now Material Requiring Translation is the last remaining darkness, and it's shrinking by the minute. To paraphrase Rhodes, if only we could annex the planets.


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Re: Chrono Trigger OVA manga translation
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2013, 02:58:50 pm »
Sorry for the delay. I work a lot, and I have another ROM related project that I've been spending a lot of time on. Anyway..

We were thrilled when GlitterBerri translated the Prerelease stuff (there's still some nigh-indecipherable portions from earlier builds here and there).

Yeah, I'm so happy that got completed! And I see there's proof for the 8th character being Gaspar now. THAT was super exciting to come back to see.

Regarding the indecipherable portions, I recall them and was very intrigued. If I remember correctly, the kana is still correct but it seems to use an older kanji table. I've always though if we could find an equivalent bit of text we could sort of Rosetta stone the old kanji table and deciper those leftovers...

Anyway! More manga translation. I did up to 26-27.jpg, which covers up to Gate 3. Man this is a silly story. I've been translating in favor of readability rather than 100% accuracy, so hopefully it's all understandable. Enjoy!
Exciting Clay Action
Nuu and Mamo

(The Story Of) Picnics Are Fun, mo!


Picnics sure are fun.

Why did you bring ice cream to a picnic, mo!?


Cause it sure is delicious

You're gonna get the runs. [lit. And then you'll have a cold belly. I asked my Japanese friend about this phrase, and she said in Japanese cold stomach leads to 'friends with the toilet']



(sfx: surprise)



Hey now..


Despite all that, what a nice view, mo...
The mountains're nice, mo
[I assume these are the phrases spoken by the mamo on Denadoro Mts...]


It sure is a nice view over here!



Gyafuun! [Some kind of surprised scream?]

The end



(The Story Of) Zoom Zoom with Mahha


Due to various circumstances, Nuu and Mamo have fallen into the End of Time, and due to further circumstances the Time & Space Squad NuuMamo-nger have formed, but...

(background picture: MOUNTAIN - MAMO VILLAGE)

arrow box: Radar Operator Spekkio

Wh-why am I doing this..


(sfx: long high pitched sound, like an alarm...)

It's an emergency, mo!!


I j-just farted...

(background sfx: more high pitched sounds, like a Nuu fart I guess...)


(sfx: more farts)

Cut it out already, mo!! [lit. So insistent!]

It's for real this time!

(sfx around Nuu: more farts, kind of.. sputtering now)

Knowing exactly what will happen as we face the future...

Well, there's only one way to find out. [lit. well, if we go we'll understand.]


Entering that gate should allow you to go to the future.


Spekkio! I have a mission for you as well!



Until we return, I'll need you to do the housework and laundry, and begin to prepare dinner... And, let's see...

Mops sure are for housework.


Stop playing around!!

(sfx: kick, boing)


NuuMamo-nger, take off, mo~!



AD 2300

That monster called Johnny is why I can't return home!


To return home, I have to take this road.

Johnny only lets those who beat him in a race to pass!


That's simple, mo! All we have to do is challenge the guy and win, mo!

Yeah! I can take down 5 bowls in 1 minute!

It isn't a speed eating challenge...

[note: the robot speaking text is entirely in katakana; as you might expect, this makes them sound robotic]



Hold it!


Boss! <3 [Aniki- <3]
[Aniki here is literally older brother. It's used often in gangs or other hierarchal male groups. Some would translate this as "Bro!" or "Big bro!" I personally like Boss, which is pretty neutral. I leave it up to whoever would typeset this to decide what they would like.]

Aa! Johnny!


The Lord of the Rats eh?
You know ya gotta defeat me in a race to get through here.

Yeah, and today we have come to challenge you!

(background robots: Boss! Boss!)


Nuu-san! Mamo-san! It's all you!


Shf shf (sound of throwing punches)





We'll drop you in one round, mo

I'm not gonna do boxing!




Johnny Racing Form - On!


kasho--n (engines revving)


pakon (sound of the wheels touching)



jaa--n (Tada type sound)


Hey hey! You gonna do this or ain't ya? [Decide already.]

Ma-mamo-san, where's your car?

Right here, mo!

[The green and yellow arrow symbol is used in Japan for Novice drivers.]

I'm gonna run.

Transformation! Nuu Jet!

gaki---n (machinery sound, hi pitched)

goki--n (machiner sound, deeper)



Nuu Jet - Complete


I... I can't move...

(sfx: zuko---n - everyone falling over)


Johnny! If we win, you become our servant, mo!

Interesting. I accept!






(sfx: baon!)


Energy supply!


Nuu Turbo Full Power!

(sfx: bobu--n)



Nuu-san, that's amazing!!



I won't let anyone in front of me!!


See ya




Hurry, mo! Hurry, mo!

(sfx: coughing, wobbly)

Guess I c-can't... keep up anymore...


(sign: Nuu's Body)


(sfx: loud rolling)


Stop us, mo!



(sfx: loud rolling)


Aah! That's my house...




Case closed, mo!

And that's how Johnny became the servant of Nuu and Mamo!

I'm home...




(sign: Festival! Game Making)
Surprising Scoop!
'NuuMamonger' has become a game!!

yellow text on right: A Chrono Trigger crossover!?

Mamo text on left: Yahoo! Mamo is the King, mo!!

Nuu: I.. I'm the main character

What kind of secrets could there be in the map?

Big scoop! Nuu and Mamo have been put in a game!
According to these screens, it looks like an RPG! I can't wait for the release date!!
... Or something like that. Actually, it's an original game created with 'RPG Tsukuuru' from ASCII Software.
Give it a try and it will teach you everything you need to know to create.

caption for lower right image: Nuu, standing on the stage, tells a joke. What kind of scene is this?
lower right image - Nuu text box" Kato-chan pe-

blue box on bottom:
Title: This game was used to create the game
Create your own original RPG. For Playstation.

red box: Continued on page 28, mo!

GATE 3 - (The Story Of) Magical Ka-boom

middle white box: NuuMamonger - Introduction to All Members!

(clockwise from Mamo)

NuuMamonger Member #1 MAMO

Radar Operator & Housework Helper SPEKKIO

NuuMamonger Commander - HASH

Servent JOHNNY


NuuMamonger Member #2 NUU


Heeeeeeeey! Why do *I* gotta be the servant here??

You promised to become our servant if you lost the race, mo.


Yeah, well what bout this then!?

So you won't escape, mo.

They sure are pretty cool lookin' shoes.


(background sfx: high pitched alarm)

There's trouble!

Let's go, mo!


H- Hey...


I'm not done speakin'..



(sfx are pretty obvious!)


We have a Priority One case in the year 1000 AD.

A Priority one!?


A child's cake was stolen, you see.

(sfx: neck crack)


There's no way that counts as Priority One.

Strawberry cake sure is yummy


I think I'll bring Spekkio along this time.



Ah jeez, I guess, even though you've never called me for a case before this
Or how about, It's finally time for my true power...


Everyone's already left.


AD 1000 - Heckran Cave

Heke Heke [I guess this is laughter?]

Cake is my favorite food, kehe~

Gimme back my cake!


(sfx: gate opening, landing on the ground)


Hold it, mo!


Holdin' it.

(sfx: slap)

Not you.


NuuMamonger! You've come for me!

It'll be all right, mo.




(sfx: Nuu is making scrubbing sounds, Mamo is making metallic thwacks)


(sfx: heavy breathing)

The spade was not effective, mo.

Mop too...

These guys intended to used THOSE to take him down?


Hey! If I beat this guy, promote up from Servant!

Do what you want, mo.


Awwright! Hey you! Ya got three seconds left of this lifetime!!

Johnny s-sure is cool


Racing Mode - On!


Take this! Jet Tackle!!


(sfx: ching!)

text: Still attached.

(sfx: booom!)


Johnny remains Servant for the time being, mo.




Ah jeez, I can't watch this.

No matter how many cuts or strikes you land on Heckran, it will be pointless.


Only magic is effective against this guy.

So I'll blow him away with magic!


Kero kero

Geko geko

Hekko heko

(background sfx: rising power)



(sfx: booom!)



Did you see? With my power...

background text: That's done with
clouds: heavy breathing


(sign: Tactical Meeting In Session)

It's definitely a Cream Cake then, mo.

The best cream sure is chocolate.

Why couldn't you watch, jeez!!


Blue box: Spekkio


Now's our chance, mo! Let's end this, mo!



(sfx: dooooooo)

Final Nuu Ataaaaaaaaaaaack!!


O-okay, I don't need the cake, heke...


We did it--!

That was simple!


Noow then, where's that cake, mo~

Wonder if it's come out.



It sur eis a mess...


Nuu-san, Mamo-san, didja get my cake?


Transformation! Nuu Cake!


(high pitched machine sound)


(lower pitched machine sound)


Right here!

Served up quick for you

Is that even edible!??