Thanks for the praise. These sprites really more like a rough draft which someone with a better eye for detail would probably be better off finishing since I'm terrible with lighting and shading.
I'd love to do the rest of them for you, but quite frankly, drawing the loose hair for the other poses is outside my skill level. The only reason why I was able to make an attempt at the side ones was because I found an easy source (inspired by your words, by the way) to copy and paste, then edit into the shape I want. I'm a frankenspriter, not a real artist.
Now I see why Marle's hair is in a ponytail, because it's easier to show movement by reusing or sligltly altering frames when doing that anime hair-billowing visual cue. If her hair is loose one can't just copy and paste from frame to frame. That's actual work.

By the way, I corrected a minor issue in the previous sprite, where the pixel under Marle's right arm went missing in one of the frames. That's been fixed.
Edit: I decided to try one of the front frames anyway. I know her hair should really be wider than that, and the hair is
atrocious, but I'm just showing you where I am as far as my skills.