Author Topic: Revisiting the CT Pre-release Unpointed Dialogue  (Read 11359 times)


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Revisiting the CT Pre-release Unpointed Dialogue
« on: November 04, 2013, 10:38:44 am »
Lurking at the end of the dialogue data in the Chrono Trigger Pre-release is some leftover text data from previous versions of the game. Unfortunately, the text was broken and only half readable. Recently, I took a break from translating the CT manga to finally tackle this unpointed data and try to make sense of it.

I found a number of interesting changes, such as the fact that most of the unpointed blocks are actually layers of leftovers from multiple previous versions. Also, the old text references not just one older kanji table, but three! In the text itself, there's a great number of changes. Most are simply formatting or single word changes, but among the oldest text there includes references to characters named King Delnach and Migō, and a completely different, much older version of the early Millennial Fair dialogue...

I've given all the unpointed data a thorough review and have compiled all my research into a spreadsheet. Come follow the thread in the forums for a link to the spreadsheet and a complete write-up.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 03:09:59 am by RyogaMasaki »


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Amazing. Even these lost name references are irreplaceably interesting. This is fantastic. So it seems nothing in the vein of new scenes, but definitely some rudimentary naming going on. This is really a gift!

Schala Zeal

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Masa Mune
Gran Leon
Meat Cleaver
Sister Fister

... err wait a minute...


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Gran Leon

Actually, for some reason when I read your post, I had a flash of realization.

I always wondered why it was Gran and Leon, but the sword is the Grandleon (the d in the middle). Then it hit me.

In Japanese, it's the Gurandorion, with their specific names being Guran and Rion. The 'do' in the middle could be a sort of double entendre in Japanese: the word for and is 'to', but the t sound can become d when use in a compound word. In essence, the Grandleon could be the 'Gran and Leon', with the the d sound making it 'grand' in English as well.

Could just be a coincidence, but I think it makes sense from a Japanese wordplay perspective.


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Re: Revisiting the CT Pre-release Unpointed Dialogue
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2013, 03:22:55 am »
Okay, where to begin...

I've been working on this project pretty consistently for the past two weeks or so. My initial post here was probably made a bit too early, but I was pretty excited about what I'd found and also a bit worn out, and I wanted to get it out to the world before I became completely burnt out.

Well, I couldn't stay away, and I went right back to it. I fixed a number of problems with the spreadsheet, translated some more interesting lines, and most importantly, changed how we define a 'block' of text. I posted a nice, long write-up to my tumblr about this, which I'm shamelessly plugging. I've edited my original post and attached the newer version of the spreadsheet, and I'm reposting the text from my write-up below:

Eight years ago (!), we were starting to really dig into the Chrono Trigger Pre-release Demo ROM. I was making it a project to dump all of the dialogue from this Demo version for comparison to the final. I wanted to do a full translation and hoped to find exciting differences in the story. I never finished the translation or comparison, but thankfully the Chrono Compendium completed that project fantastically. While identifying the text blocks and dumping them, we found early on that there was leftover dialogue data from previous versions of the game. Unfortunately, the text was broken: the hiragana and katakana were readable but the kanji was wildly incorrect. That broken text has never been given a thorough examination, until recently when, on a whim, I picked up the project again and documented what I found…

1. Defining a Block

Before examining the leftover text, we need to better define what a ‘block’ of text is. The dialogue spans offset 0x3B0242 to 0x3B1F3F. My original research split this up into 23 blocks; the more-accurate Pre-release translation on the Compendium breaks it up into 19 blocks. However, the actual definition of a block is nebulous in both cases. My offset ranges were chosen arbitrarily, looking for chunks of 0’s and other anomalies in the hex view to delineate sections. I’m not sure of the reasoning behind the 19 block layout of the Compendium text, but it too seems arbitrarily defined.

A more logical system is to group blocks by the pointer tables that the games uses to reference each string of text. If we define a block as a range of data beginning with a pointer table immediately followed by the text data it references, we can identify 7 blocks (laid out below). Since we are defining the offsets for the pointed data, this aligns with the layout of the unpointed data as well.

2. Unpointed text, part 1

As its description implies, unpointed text is text that is not referenced by a pointer table. The game software uses the pointer table to find the memory address where the specified text string is stored. Thus, unpointed data cannot be normally accessed by the code, as it has no way of being ‘found.’ It is essentially orphaned data.

The reason for this leftover text still exists at all is due to the nature of how games were made during that era. The developers would have used one or two test cartridges containing EEPROM chips that allowed the team to easily write the game code to the cartridge for testing on actual hardware. The data on the chips was overwritten and not wiped first, meaning if the new data was shorter than the previous data, the excess data remained.

When this process happens a few times and as the work-in-progress data changes, the excess data may form into ‘layers,’ like sediment, with the oldest version existing at the end, and previous (shorter) versions appearing before it. Each ‘layer’ of excess data is an artifact from a previous build written to the cartridge that, at one time, had a pointer table referencing down into what is now leftover data.

Let’s use an imaginary line of text as an example. Let’s say in our first version, we have a line reading:

Code: [Select]
Crono, you should go see your friend Lucca at the Millennial Fair.[00](using [00] as the marker for the end of the string) The text goes through some revisions, and the next version, the line is changed to:

Code: [Select]
Crono, Lucca is waiting for you at the Millennial Fair.[00]This new text is a bit shorter, so when it’s written to the chip, the actual data is:

Code: [Select]
Newest version:                                            Old ver.A
Crono, Lucca is waiting for you at the Millennial Fair.[00]nial Fair.[00]
The tail end of the previous version still remains. In an effort to save space on, the text is reduced even more in the next version, so the data looks like this now:

Code: [Select]
Newest version:                  Old ver.A                    Old ver.B
Lucca is waiting at the Fair.[00]u at the Millennial Fair.[00]nial Fair.[00]
The unpointed blocks of text work the same way. As newer revisions were shortened, the tail ends of previous versions remained on the development chips.

3. New block map

With our new definition of ‘block’ and the fact that the unpointed blocks are further divided by version, here’s a proper layout of the text inside the Pre-release ROM:

Code: [Select]
Text data is stored in banks 59 (0x3b0000) and 60 (0x3c0000). Data between blocks is zeros.

Dialogue block 01
Pointers 0x3b0000-0x3b0241
Text 0x3b0242-0x3b23d9
Unpointed A 0x3B23DA-0x3B2314 (Std table)
Unpointed B 0x3B2415-0x3B254E (Std table)
Unpointed C 0x3B254F-0x3B25F0 (Std table)

Dialogue block 02
Pointers 0x3b5000-0x3b5293
Text 0x3b5294-0x3b85e6
Unpointed A 0x3B85E7-0x3B8C5E (Table A)
Unpointed B 0x3B8C5F-0x3B98A3 (Table B)
Unpointed C 0x3B98A4-0x3B990B (Table B)

Dialogue block 03
Pointers 0x3bb000-0x3bb3ff
Text 0x3bb400-0x3bde35
Unpointed A 0x3bde36-0x3bde48 (Zeroes; see notes)
Unpointed B 0x3bde49-0x3BE4FC (Table A)

Dialogue block 04
Pointers 0x3c0000-0x3b0427
Text 0x3bc0428-0x3c4535

Dialogue block 05
Pointers 0x3c5000-0x3c56d5
Text 0x3c56d6-0x3cacfd
Unpointed A 0x3cacfe-0x3CAF12 (Std table)
Unpointed B 0x3CAF13-0x3CAFFF (Table C)

Dialogue block 06
Pointers 0x3cb000-0x3cb0bb
Text 0x3cb0bc-0x3cbb6c

Dialogue block 07
Pointers 0x3ce000-0x3ce0ab
Text 0x3ce0ac-0x3cee95
Unpointed A 0x3ceea0-0x3CF6B9 (Table A)

Treasure chest text
Pointers 0x3cfe00-0x3cfe09
Text 0x3cfe0a-0x3cfe26

Substring definitions
Pointers 0x3cff00-0x3cff3f
Text 0x3cff40-0x3cffc0
Unpointed A 0x3cffc1-0x3cffcc (Table A)
Unpointed B 0x3cffcd-0x3cffce

4. Unpointed text, part 2

As previously mentioned, the text for most of the unpointed blocks was broken. It seems that while the single-byte definitions (the hiragana, katakana, numbers, symbols and some substrings) were the same across all versions, the double-byte definitions (kanji) had changed drastically. This made the text half-readable: the kana was accurate but the kanji was wildly incorrect. In Japanese, this is like taking the key words, like nouns and verbs, out of a sentence and leaving only structure and grammar. Using an English sentence as an analogy:

Code: [Select]
"This is the legendary sword, the Grandleon!"would look something like this:

Code: [Select]
"This is the [blank] [blank], the Grandleon!"There are a couple of methods to decipher the broken text. The first is simply guessing. Using context clues, common Japanese phrases and commonly used phrases in the game specifically, we can make educated guesses at some of the kanji. Needless to say, this is unreliable, frustrating and ultimately not very effective, as the text is almost always just too vague to make a sound guess.

The other method involves comparing the text to its later, correct version. So long as the text remained nearly the same, we can compare it and substitute the correct kanji into the broken text. The downside of this method is that the text must remain mostly the same in later versions; text that changed significantly does not have a later comparison and thus can’t be directly deciphered. Broken kanji in the drastically different blocks may be used in other, verifiable blocks, though.

5. Kanji Tables

As I began to build the table for the leftover text and redump text, I noticed something: there was more than one old kanji table lurking in the leftover data! This was both an exciting and frustrating discovery. It was exciting because it was a previously unknown facet of the pre-release ROM which sheds further light on the development process. It was frustrating because the text using these even older tables was changed significantly and couldn’t be compared to later versions.

The leftover text references three separate kanji tables. In the table above, you’ll notice that after each unpointed block address is Std table, Table A, Table B or Table C. Std table refers to the ‘standard’ table used by the Pre-release version. Tables A, B and C are all definitions from previous versions.

With our knowledge of how the ‘layers’ of leftover data work, we can infer some facts. It’s a given that the Standard table is the newest, as it is what is actually used by the software. Therefore, any unpointed text using the Standard table is newest. We can assume since there is so much data using Table A leftover that it must have been the version used right before Standard. Finally, data using tables B and C appears after Table A blocks, meaning it is older than Table A, and thus the oldest. We can’t really make a sound call on whether B or C is oldest, since they are not in the same block and have no relative comparison. Logically, the standard table unpointed text has almost nothing changed; text using table A has noticeable differences; text using B or C is very different.

Table A is the most complete, as it is used by the majority of the unpointed text. Tables B and C are both very incomplete. Table B is used once (twice technically), in blocks 02-B and 02-C, and the text is completely different. Sadly, there’s not a single line to compare it to, and the few entries in Table B are based on the context clues/guessing method. Table C is similar: it is used only once, but there are three or four lines of text at the end that survived to later versions. It’s still mostly unreadable, but some information is better than none.

6. Corrected text dumps and comparisons

After constructing the tables as best I could, I dumped each block of unpointed text and arranged it in a spreadsheet for comparison. You should refer to the spreadsheet for research, but here is an overview of each block:

Block 1 unpointed text
Nothing too interesting here, unfortunately. It’s the tail end of the text of block 1, Azala’s death and the Lavos star. There are three versions, and all are identical to the final pre-text except for one extra “Ride!” in unpointed block A.

Block 2 unpointed text
Now things get fun! Block A contains two sections of text. The first half is the dialogue from the Gran + Leon (Masa Mune) battle. There are numerous small differences. Lots of text was changed, but the plot is the same. The second half of A takes place in the dungeon of Manoria Cathedral. The captured humans have a couple different lines, but most of the text is the same.
Block B is probably the most fascining of all the leftover text. This is the only chunk to use Table B, meaning it’s very old text and it shows. It takes place very early in the game, right after meeting Marle at the fair. None of the text here exists in any later versions, and some parts of the plot seem noticeably different. There is reference to a Great King Delnach (Derunacchi in Japanese); Lucca’s machine is the Teleport rather than Telepod; Bosch (Melchior) plays a bigger role early on. There are lots of intriguing points, but unfortunately, as there is no later text to compare to, all the kanji here is based entirely on guesswork. 90% of the kanji is unavailable, so many sentences are almost entirely unreadable. Still, there are lots of interesting tidbits that can be inferred.

Block 3 unpointed text
Block A is actually nothing but zeroes. This is because Block 3 standard actually ends with a bunch of empty strings, i.e. consecutive 00’s in the data. Block 3 officially ends with the last string referenced, which is at offset 0x3cacfd. After that are 18 more 0 value bytes, followed by the broken text starting mid-string. We can infer that those 18 bytes are the tail end of a previous version of block 3. Since it’s all 00’s, we can’t assign a table to it, but that doesn’t matter as it doesn’t contain data. It’s just an interesting, pointless leftover.
Block B contains two sections. The first is Dalton with Schala as hostage in the Earthbound village. The team has some lines that were removed, plus some small changes in Bosch’s lines. The second half is Mother Brain’s dialogue. Very little text actually changed, although some there was some text re-ordered in the beginning.

Block 5 unpointed text
Block A uses the standard table and was already thoroughly covered in the Compendium Pre-release translation. The interesting part here is Block B, the only block to use Table C. It is very old text, and sadly there isn’t much of it. It is set in Prehistoric times. There’s an NPC named ‘Gigi’ who speaks, and the team makes mention of a character named Migō. There are four lines that survived, spoken by NPCs, with some minor changes.

Block 7 unpointed text
Crono’s Trial. There are no major changes, but there are a few points of interest. The number of days until execution was 7 instead of 3; King Guardia’s scolding of Marle at the end is much more severe; several small grammar and kanji changes that illustrate how the byte-size of the text was a consideration in development.

So there we have it. I hope everyone finds this interesting. It was a lot of work, but it was also fascinating digital archaeology. I consider my findings mostly ‘definitive,’ but there may yet be some mistakes somewhere. As far as I’m concerned, the document is now ‘open-source’ and belongs to the old game hacking/research community, so please feel free to correct and further improve it.

CT Pre-release Unpointed Dialogue Research spreadsheet - ver. 0.2
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 03:39:53 am by RyogaMasaki »


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Re: Revisiting the CT Pre-release Unpointed Dialogue
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2013, 03:34:44 am »
I’m not sure of the reasoning behind the 19 block layout of the Compendium text, but it too seems arbitrarily defined.
It was based on breaking up the pointer tables based off the "StringIndexes" (pointer table locations) in Temporal Flux's event editor. Well, block 15a, which while lacking any programmed events using it, should have been probably separated into another block because the opening strings make it clearly a distinct text bank, but I misunderstood the question or planned layout at the time of the spreadsheet creation.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 03:51:39 am by Vehek »


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Re: Revisiting the CT Pre-release Unpointed Dialogue
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2013, 01:43:36 pm »
It was based on breaking up the pointer tables based off the "StringIndexes" (pointer table locations) in Temporal Flux's event editor.

Ah, okay. I figured there was a reason for it. I just loaded Temporal Flux and played with it. I see the String Index in the event editor, but what is that relative to? Is there a screen that shows how the blocks are layed out? Granted, I've only used TF maybe three times total, so maybe I'm just not understanding the program.

Anyway, I think the way I outlined above works better from a raw data perspective, rather than from a script/event perspective, by just defining a block as a pointer table + all the strings referenced by that table + any leftover text following that.

Well, block 15a, which while lacking any programmed events using it, should have been probably separated into another block because the opening strings make it clearly a distinct text bank, but I misunderstood the question or planned layout at the time of the spreadsheet creation.

I noticed that about 15a, although in my method it's merged into block 5, as all of its strings are referenced in block 5's pointer table.

In the end I think both methods are valid, we just take different approaches. Anyway, thanks for your insight! That helps me understand better.


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Re: Revisiting the CT Pre-release Unpointed Dialogue
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2013, 03:02:19 pm »
God, beautiful. The post December 11th update is going to have all of it added to the Prerelease section. I need to alert the TCRF crowd too. Of all the dark, challenging fruit the Compendium has tried to pick, this has to be some of the rarest and darkest.

Goddamnit, stuff like this gets me too excited. Hm...

"Bosch 'Hmm...
Finally, [  ]'s [      ]
have begun to turn it seems..."

Hah, sounds so much like "fate's wheels/cogs" that it's ridiculous. All the little unknowable tidbits should be covered in a new analysis article. I can't wait to do the post-December 11th update now. God, I wish I had time this month.

Hey, do you want me to shove in the CT final text in the fourth column for some of these? Or perhaps KWhazit's retranslated final, rather? Just so readers can follow along the final context of the scenes for some (I know some of them don't have corresponding final versions). Of course, I can't get to doing anything until after December 11th, but I'd be up for helping if you want. This is just too cool.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 03:15:21 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Gran Leon

Actually, for some reason when I read your post, I had a flash of realization.

I always wondered why it was Gran and Leon, but the sword is the Grandleon (the d in the middle). Then it hit me.

In Japanese, it's the Gurandorion, with their specific names being Guran and Rion. The 'do' in the middle could be a sort of double entendre in Japanese: the word for and is 'to', but the t sound can become d when use in a compound word. In essence, the Grandleon could be the 'Gran and Leon', with the the d sound making it 'grand' in English as well.

Could just be a coincidence, but I think it makes sense from a Japanese wordplay perspective.

that makes perfect sense.

Woolsey was pretty good, but I never liked the change to Masamune. Grandleon has a very epic european feel to it which fits 600ad and Frog much better. besides, Chrono is the one who uses katanas.