Not to derail, but I rather think they'd drop what they were doing and shape the future with their own hands, no matter who or what got in their way...
And doing that would put us at odds with the series creators.
Not only would they create new things, but also change what was already there to get to the end of their goals. ("This future sucks, lets change the natural order of things.")
Funny that you should put things that way. That is, in a fashion, what I'm trying to do myself. What the endgame of that will be, I have no idea. It's not yet the time to start talking about breaking through the opposition. A lot can happen in a few years time. A fight might not even be necessary, you never know.
On the movie idea, the only thing I realistically envision is a CG animated film along the lines of Tin Tin - which was produced by Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson. Although Toriyama did the original artwork for Chrono Trigger, I don't think an anime-style picture is the way to go because that would immediately limit interest in the film to those who like anime already. Purists would rejoice. Everyone else would say, "So what?". Live action would be an exceptionally difficult format to use because of Glenn, Robo, and possibly even Ayla having to be done in CG while everyone else is interacting with ghosts in front of green-screen. There is also the difficulty of finding actors young enough to portray Crono, Marle, and Lucca and who are also experienced enough to do the emotional heavy lifting expected of those characters. I don't see that happening. With voice actors all around, a casting director has a lot more options.
And on the question of big names, the trick is not to go asking for them, but for them to come asking for you. "If you build it, they will come."