I realize this is kinda late, but I'm with Acacia on this one. It certainly was possible to win it. But I find it fascinating that the "musings" of a former author could eventually become the source of greed for the author's family, or any similar corporate entity. I realize that CDE have tried to finance some great projects, such as the Young Sherlock Holmes series by Andrew Lane. But I'm having two thoughts simultaneously here.
For one thing, when you make Art, it BELONGS to the ones you're sharing with. But at the same time, you must also be granted rights to have your incentives for creating it if the people love it (hence copyrights and patents), because you have contributed "something valuable". In this case, Holmes belongs to his fans, but both Doyle and his succeeding Estate were pretty stringent with the fictional property. Now, the funny thing is that these days it's EASY to find the entire canon in Public Doman online libraries, such as Project Gutenberg, so I have no idea what could CDE could possibly accomplish by C&D'ing Leslie Klinger for his annotated SH series.
Cease & Desist Estate?