Guardia Kingdom
Ok so far no one here have done a Deep article about Guardia Kingdom so first forgive my English and now please enjoy and do some feedback
Guardia´s federal government
The kingdom is separate in different federal states pretty much like in the US but is has some interesting things for example in truce the mayor is elected or point by the king, we can see that because the mayor in truce rule the province from a public building (in the 1000 turn into some kind of school that building is probable a city hall)
Meanwhile Porre also has a mayor but is not elect or point by the king, is looks more like a duchy pretty much like in the holy roman empire, Porre mayor rules from his palace (house)
Porre is like Bavaria in the old German Empire, when Prussia annexed the German north confederation and Bavaria, Prussia form the German Empire when they did that they gave the kingdom of Bavaria a special treatment, for example Bavaria has its own king and they had their own army but of course the army of Bavaria is under the German Kaiser rule but still they had their own tiny army. Porre was like a duchy in the old holy roman empire
In Porre like in Bavaria. from all guardian federal states only Porre has ”duchy system” with a dynastic ruler
from what we saw in CT during the mystic war, Porre rose its own army, people were buying their own military supplies while in the other cities their supplies were given by the central government, so we can say that somehow Porre has an independent army, that could explains how in 1005 Porre defeat Guardia, using their army, probable hiding the true amount of active soldiers they had
Chora´s mayor also is elect or point by the king, only Porre is special
That could be easily explain Porre probable was a tributary state and then a vassal and when they finally integrate to the kingdom, the king gave the new province a special treatment (Porre probable join by free choice) but the rest of the kingdom was won by force
The kingdom is probable separate in different federal states , we can identificate more than two states on south zenan in 600´s, dorino, Porre and Fiona
I say Fiona is a different state because neither dorino or Porre really care about the desertification so that land was probable rule and own by Fiona family, and they were the facto and Iure rulers
Choras is only one big state
Guardia has a system really similar to the early roman empire mix with a late holy roman empire
Tax policy:
Guardia has federal and national taxes
In Dorino the mayor was free to use the city money in order to find a final solution and win the war, and they did it without asking the central government, using the city money
So like in US, federal government has some freedom in how they spend their money
Meanwhile Guardia central government receive the national taxes and with that money they pay the kingdom soldiers, invest in less developed provinces , build weapons and infrastructure, pretty much what Rome did
Judiciary system:
Guardia has a supreme court, for what we saw in the king trial, only the supreme court can judge a king and probable other high ranks members of the kingdom
Since the court is inside the castle, the court only accept high rank cases, chrono case because he kidnaped the princess, king guardia´s trial, corruption and others
That means each federal state has their own courts but probable all of them are under Guardia Supreme Court jurisdiction
Guardia Hereditary system:
I will quote an old post here
it could be an Absolute primogeniture, is a law in which the eldest child of the sovereign succeeds to the throne
Marle (Nadia) is the first born child that make her the crown princess to the throne and Chrono is just her husband
Another possibility is male primogeniture but the successor to the crown must be member of the Guardia dynasty, for example in the eastern Roman Empire Zoe and Theodora were the last of their dynasty and corulers of the empire (Macedonian Dynasty)
Zoe in particular tried to get pregnant in order to preserve her dynasty linage (that means the male married into the family)
So Guardia could be rule by a male primogeniture law as longer there’s a male if not, the female become the regent of the kingdom (like Zoe and Theodora in the eastern roman empire) and her husband changed his surname and become part of the dynasty line, in this case Chrono will become Chrono Guardia
But I think is matrilineal or maybe Absolute primogeniture
lets remember one of the CT ending where Frog marry queen Leene
In that finale Nadia was still princess of the kingdom
This is my theory
I think queen Leene was a noble from a small branch of the Guardia Line
king Guardia died from his injuries and just what happened in real life when the main branch of the habsburg died it was a small branch who got the kingdom, the habsburg-lorreine dynasty
So probable the king died without heir, Leene was queen and also member of the Guardia family that make her rightful ruler of the kingdom and then frog married her and her children are still Guardia because males married into the royal family
That would explain why Nadia is still princess of the Kingdom
After all the kingdom name is Guardia only a Guardia can be ruler
Guardia dynasty:
From what we heard in the king´s trial, the chancellor said this is the end of Guardia line
normally if the king is send to prison his heir will get the throne if he or she is too young. A regent will take over until the heir grow up if there no heir a senior member of the dynasty take over (like what I said, a small branch of the habsurg-lorraine took over after the main branch died)
that means if the king Guardia was sent to prison and Nadia was too young and of course she wouldn’t allow the chancellor be the regent it was normal that senior member of the dynasty would be choose to be regent but from what we can understand from what the chancellor said there no other Guardia that means Nadia is the last of her dynasty
That would explain why the king is so over protective
Truce-Porre duality:
Just like what happened between Prussia and Austria in the German confederation the same was happening in Guardia
Porre was growing strong to the point that Porre become the main port in the kingdom
we can easily see that in 1000
porre power grew steadily over the years from 600-1000 Porre become the main port of the kingdom and probable challenged truce dominance
Porre has more dock in 1000 than truce that show us that they were the center of the economic trade inside the kingdom
Porre position is perfect; it has access to open sea and easy reach choras and medina and all southern islands
That not necessary bad for guardia but it was bad for truce so the rivality between truce and Porre is older than dalton intervention
in 1000 truce tried to open a ferry between truce and medina that could be seen as an open provocation agaisnt Porre
porre for what we saw in CT is not angry against the kingdom of Guardia but they could be angry with truce pretty much like in HRE (holy roman empire) the rivality between Austria and Brandenburg (Prusia) was great and they even had wars.
they were part of the same empire, but neither want to separate from the empire no matter how much the hate each other
The same could be happening with porre and truce it was probable Dalton intervention how made possible Porre betray,
he could corrupt porre leaders and told them Guardia was making favors to truce and Guardia want Porre be under truce´s feet because is what they belong
that was not true, in CT it was a private investor who want to build the ferry it was not the state
that tell us something important, even if was truce in the beginning who made Guardia a big kingdom , in the 600 and 1000 the king didn’t have any favoritism to any city or state , Choras people were equally proud to be part of Guardia as any Truce citizen
but Dalton with his lies produce an antimonarchy movement inside Porre population
Guardia military power:
we never saw Guardia fleet but we can tell they had one because even after magus “died” at 600 the war was not over and guardia need to transport the army thorough the ocean that can be only done by ships also guardia move troops from choras to zenan and medina
We cannot say how big was Guardia´s army but Guardia´s navy should be big enough to protect the entire planet after all almost all oceans belong to Guardia
Guardia executive branch:
the regent of Guardia has legislative and executive powers, in 600 he created the supreme court and probable he was the one who gave the court power to judge kings
in Guardia exist small parlaments in each province and they do the federal laws but national laws are made by the king
The king is in charge of the administration of the kingdom and he is commander and chief of the army (Guardia and Porre)
Important people in Guardia:
Chancellor: king´s right hand and if something happens to the king he is in charge until the king recover or until the heir is crown
President of the Supreme Court: in charge of the administration of the judicial system in Guardia
Pierre (chrono lawyer): he is probable minister of justice he was the one who took over the chancellor position after the trial (if you do not free the chancellor)
In case of death of the king and chancellor we can assume that Pierre (minister of justice) assume the leadership until order is restore
During 600 Knight Capitan was general and minister of defense, the same position should exist in 1000 but we didn’t see it who was the guy