Author Topic: I need a bit of advice  (Read 1517 times)


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I need a bit of advice
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2005, 06:03:07 am »
PE is very easy to get into. The battle system is a breeze and if you're exceptional with it, you can really make it work for you, but even if you're not, that's ok too. It's real easy to get the hang of. I have no idea about PE2 though as I never played it. The battle system is just so fun because there aren't many RPGs out there as unique as it while still holding true to so many of the age old standards.

The storyline is pretty impressive for basically a one woman show (well, she has a partner, but he doesn't do much)...It's very enjoyable. It's very scientific and pretty engrossing as well. It's about this thing that takes control of mitochondria (man, does my spelling stink?) and all sorts of whakky spontaneous combustion and mutated crap, all this writing for it makes me want to play it...<insert another sad face here>

Legend of the Past

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I need a bit of advice
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2005, 12:43:47 pm »
Oh, biology! I'll be sure to play it now! (Seriously, it's not a joke. I LOVE biology)  

And... thanks for the tip, Translanka! ^_^

teh Schala

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I need a bit of advice
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2005, 11:10:32 pm »
Quote from: V_Translanka
PE is very easy to get into. The battle system is a breeze and if you're exceptional with it, you can really make it work for you, but even if you're not, that's ok too. It's real easy to get the hang of. I have no idea about PE2 though as I never played it. The battle system is just so fun because there aren't many RPGs out there as unique as it while still holding true to so many of the age old standards.

The storyline is pretty impressive for basically a one woman show (well, she has a partner, but he doesn't do much)...It's very enjoyable. It's very scientific and pretty engrossing as well. It's about this thing that takes control of mitochondria (man, does my spelling stink?) and all sorts of whakky spontaneous combustion and mutated crap, all this writing for it makes me want to play it...<insert another sad face here>

Actually, you DID spell mitochondria correctly. :)  I'll vouch for that, PE is AWESOME.

PE2...  I got to the last area but never finished it.  I didn't care for PE2 as much, but I'm sure that's because I never got to the final plot twist where you "figure everything out."  Part of the problem I had with PE2 was its controls.  The controlling as well as the battle system had morphed into a semi-Resident Evil setup.  I cannot find words strong enough to say how much I HATE Resident Evil's controls!  So I thought this was TERRIBLE for them to change up PE2 like that.  But other than that, a good game. :)


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I need a bit of advice
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2005, 11:15:52 pm »
I hate some RE's camera angles more than anything...making a game cinematic is one thing, but when it hinders gameplay, take it out...Also, YES! Go spelling thing! Although, I just noticed that my vocabulary deal is totally lacking...I know you're in there, words! Why won't you come out when summoned!?!  
