Author Topic: Chrono Trigger Flash Series  (Read 4655 times)


  • Magical Dreamer (+1250)
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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2005, 02:55:21 pm »
Quote from: Jake-A-Roonie
So far I have a "Yes" from 7 of the 15 people...  Just doing it through PMs.

As for picking up a mic, I would suggest Radio Shack.  Just tell them you need one that will record decent quality without popping on every "p" sound you make.  There will usually be music and other sounds to cover you up, so the quality doesn't need to be crystal, just decent.

Works for me, I'll let you know when I get around to getting it.

teh Schala

  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2005, 11:17:31 pm »

Ladies and gentlemen, we have secured a Flash designer!  Please welcome to the team the founder and owner of 2experimental Web Design, and a close friend of mine, Nathan Levine!  His company's website can be viewed at

Another good website to check out is one that he built for me a year ago:  (Rebecca St. James is an acquaintance of mine, and for her birthday on July 26th of '04, we launched that site as a birthday present and tribute to her after 10 years of music.  It's a great demonstration of his Flash skills.

Approximating development time at 1 hour of work for 1 minute of animation (after building object libraries and stuff that will control the sprites' animations).  He is working on making time for this in his schedule, and because of his passion for Chrono Trigger, he swears he WILL make time.

Also at this time, CUSTOM SPRITES would be well appreciated!  We're going to want to expand a lot on the animations of the game...  Take for example when Crono & Lucca are escaping from prison, and Marle rips her royal dress off to reveal her "street" clothes underneath...  Rather than the way the game showed it, we'll want to custom-make a few frames of animation for her sprite there, and have the torn dress get thrown to the side, etc.  The custom sprites that someone showed around before for Magus as the prophet were pretty good, and with that person's permission we'll probably use that sprite.

Basic sprites for all characters will probably just be ripped straight from the game (or from websites), but the generally more unusual sprites (like Ayla doing her flying kicks and stuff) are what we'd really like to ask for.  Those, and custom sprites.  If either of these are up your alley, you're welcome to contribute! :)  Feel free to join the team to do so...  PM me for permission to join, and let me know what you can do. :)

Thanks everyone!


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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2005, 11:36:42 pm »
Alright. Do you want a fan project forum where your team can meet and register and not give away stuff? Your call; I can create one easily if you'd like.

teh Schala

  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2005, 11:58:07 pm »
Sure.  I would appreciate that. :)  Can I be its local mod?  I'm not even sure if phpBB forums can do local mods...


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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2005, 12:13:13 am »
Okay. You should be able to appoint people to the group, and Compendium forum members can also request to join it under Usergroups. If you also want this thread moved there, let me know; you can make a new one for public releases and feedback here.

teh Schala

  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2005, 12:14:12 am »
That's ok, I'll just edit out the info in the above post that needs to be kept quiet. ;)


  • Porrean (+50)
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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2005, 11:28:27 am »
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to this; I'm currently working 24-7 at a summer camp where I have time-limited computer access and only fridays off. However, I have made some progress on the Schala sketch: coloration is about 1/4 done, so hopefully I'll have something to show soon.

Also at this time, CUSTOM SPRITES would be well appreciated! We're going to want to expand a lot on the animations of the game... Take for example when Crono & Lucca are escaping from prison, and Marle rips her royal dress off to reveal her "street" clothes underneath... Rather than the way the game showed it, we'll want to custom-make a few frames of animation for her sprite there, and have the torn dress get thrown to the side, etc. The custom sprites that someone showed around before for Magus as the prophet were pretty good, and with that person's permission we'll probably use that sprite.

Permission granted! And I'll be more than glad to do additional spritework as needed, including (if anyone's interested) CT-sprite personas for our development team! CLICK HERE for a sheet I made for a friend awhile back, my grand triumph in CT sprite editing. Everyone who's on the team can just send me a character description of their CT persona, and I'll set to work on em' ASAP.

teh Schala

  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2005, 02:19:40 pm »
So is that sketch workable then?

As far as additional spritework and CT-personas for team members, we can discuss and submit that stuff in the private forum.  (CT Flash Series forum)  You have access to that too, Specter.  This thread will be used for public announcements and stuff like that. :)

Nice show of coloring, Spec. o_O  Let's head for the restricted forum. :D

teh Schala

  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2005, 09:01:49 pm »
For anyone wanting to audition as Crono, try recording these sample lines and EMAIL your audition clip to  Marle has already been cast, and Crono's mom is almost finalized.  However, we do still need voices for the Ashtears: Lucca and Taban!  We also need voices for Gato and Melchior.

CRONO (sleepy): Mom, would you quit shaking me like that when you wake me up...?

CRONO: Mom, have you seen my wood sword?

CRONO (after being told his mom threw his sword away): WHAT?!  She wanted me to fight that robot battle trainer she just finished!

CRONO (after she makes a weird excuse): Ugh, never mind.  When did you throw it away?

CRONO (finding his sword in the trash): THERE you are!

These lines may or may not be used in the actual first episode, but they're some samples.  Anyway, let's see what ya got! :)


  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2005, 11:59:55 pm »
I guess it's a little late to posting this here...
I have SOME flash skill... this is basically the current limit of my skill:

I have Flash MX Pro 2004, and I got 2 books on Flash MX, but they were from a book sale and weren't as good as I expected them to be, so I'm probably going to get a big Flash MX Pro 2004 manual from Barnes and Noble soon  (I recently worked for my dad for a couple days, and he showed some interest when I talked about wanting either a photoshop or flash book, so he'll probably take me to barnes and noble and buy me one soon)

I really have no clue how to make an entire movie, but I assume that it can't be done by merely 2 people (I think that's all the project has, judging from what I read of this post)

I think I have a microphone somewhere... I remember I used it for a spiderman movie editing program on my old computer... it's probably extremely low quality, but I'll see if it works in case I could be of any use with voices

I could try doing that Crono walking thing to show that I know something about flash.. however, are there websites with full-sized sprites of the characters? has really small things, which I guess could be sued for something, but not as the primary thing (maybe they could be blown-up and purposefully pixel-y)

I could've done this via PM, but I don't like PMs that much =/

In conclusion, I couldn't stand for there to be a forum that I can't view

aka, I thought I could be of use in Crimson Echoes with plot development, dialogue, and programming, but I think Temporal Flux is too difficult for me to delve into now, and it seems that Zeality and Hadriel have the devlopment and dialogue under control, with me just being a nuisance with everything except bug testing.. Maybe this would be a better use of my time since I already have some 'experience' in flash

EDIT: I tried making the grass thing, but I'm having trouble making the grass repeat continuously...

teh Schala

  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2005, 12:25:31 am »
Hmm...  We may actually have the Flash covered (if Specter ends up being as good with Flash as I think), and yeah, you'd be quite surprised at how much just a couple of people can do. :)  Anyway, yes, feel free to try out for a voice.

As far as sprites go, check out for some very well-done sprites.

By the way, as I'm unfamiliar with Flash building myself, is it better for sprites like that to be animated?  (Will Flash read all frames of an animated GIF?)  Or do they need to be split into their individual frames as separate images?


  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2005, 01:08:28 am »
If you import a .gif into the library, then place it in the document, it'll act like a movie clip (you have to go into symbol editing to edit it), but the annoying thing is that when you import a .gif into the library it ALSO seperates it into each frame and puts each one of those into the library... QUITE annoying when importing .gifs with hundreds of frames (the animations for the fire emblem sig I linked to before specifically)

And wow.. that site has so many GOOD sprites

I dunno, I feel like I'd learn a lot if I help out with w/e flash help is needed, but if I'll just get in the way, then that's ok. Also, judging from Specter's first post here I expected him to be at about the same level as I (from him calling himself a flash noob), I dunno if he advanced insanely since then, but I hope to advance as well once I get my hands on a manual.

Also, I tried hurrriedly doing that crono walking grass thing, and here's my attempt at it:

I made two copies of the grass image (I googled for 'grass', and croped one of the images I found cuz it was too big), put them next to each other. Then I made a new keyframe 200 frames later, moved the right copy so that it was in the same position as the first one, and the left one so that it was again directly to the left of the right one, and then tweened it. The black space is there to cover up the rest of the grass that moves (if I really were making it or something I'd completely crop the area above and below because it isn't necessary... the area to the left and right is needed, however, since the grass scrolls through that area.. There's probably an easier way to do it, but I'm tired <_<

teh Schala

  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2005, 02:49:56 am »
I see...  Yes, the grass thing looks good.  Crono's framerate would have to be sped up a bit if this were the real thing, but that's an easy fix. :)

Since we're dealing with sprites that have only 2-4 frames in most animations, then the animated GIFs should probably be ok for importing into our libraries then.  Sounds good.

Now don't everybody audition for parts all at once...  Come on, I wanna hear some people's samples!

P.S.  Shadow Dragon, welcome to the team. :)


  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2005, 09:57:12 am »
Yay, now I can access the forum MWAHAHAHAHA
anway, the framerate of Crono in my animation is weird; I think I set it at like 30 or 50 fps, and the grass is moving fast, but Crono still walks slowly...

Claado Shou

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Chrono Trigger Flash Series
« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2005, 01:08:06 pm »
Can I get access to the forums?  Please?

