damn hmm i suppose it could be possible with auto life,haste and shock and theif at 9999 damage but still that is immpressive cause i know how strong ozma is
Half-right, although I didn't use shock cause if you noticed, Steiner isn't in the party. My reason being is that shock doesn't do 9999 damage if your guy is in mini-status, which Ozma will probably get him into at somepoint.
Haste is actually useless as well, because Ozmas refill bar is so fast that it literally won't make a difference, as al your bars will charge up during most of his animations anyway.
I used theif, limit globe (which is tricky cause quina has to be at 1 hp and nothing else) and dragon-whatever. Eiko was used for putting autolife on quina, so that when she died she'd be at 1 hp. zidane for theif, freya for dragon-crest, quina limit globe. Also Eiko was in there for the small chance that if i died, the phoenix would auto-raise my party, although this this particular time my party didn't die. She also used Holy if she didnt need to do anythign else at that moment.
From there is very careful equipment using. You can use... uh... well no idea what they're called, but I had some pieces of equipment that either blocked r nullified shadow or holy hits, so that helped. The only thing I had no chance of getting past was meteor, which killed my party many, many times.
From there its just patience, and a little luck! I think it took me about 10 tries. (Final Boss took me 2 tries I believe).