Author Topic: Could gaspar be the fabled "entity"?  (Read 1950 times)


  • Iokan (+1)
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Could gaspar be the fabled "entity"?
« on: June 12, 2015, 11:09:46 am »
Hello all, before i proceed i want to let you know that i have read several of the articles here and have a somewhat grasp of TTI and TB etc... Please feel free to correct any misunderstandings i have with those principles.

I have been pondering is it possible that gaspar is actually the entity that seems ever prevalent in the chrono-verse? I suggest this based on little hard evidence and a lot of assumption.

When crono's party first arrives at the end of time gaspar explains the conservation of time principle. He also implies with that explanation that crono's party is not the first to end up there. Since time does not exist there wouldn't all others be present there? Yet when you arrive there is only Gaspar and Spekkio. Further when it is time for the optional sidequests Gaspar has knowledge of various people in various times which suggests he has a view of all of time. Further chrono cross flat out shows us that in that verse dimensional travel is just as real as time travel.
Now before i start explaining why that leads me to my originally stated theory i am going to talk about the end of time a little bit more.

So assuming all things have a beginning middle and end, it seems to me that no matter what dimension or how long that dimension's time lasts it will all converge on one point, the end of time. This would explain how gaspar is able to know so much but only be able to help on small ways. (Due to variance in probable outcomes). Now as for lack of other entities at the end of time i that could be explained as while the end of time is one point, it most likely is multi-faceted. Think of a diamond it has many planes however no matter how many cuts it has it is still one gem. I beleive that every entity to go to the end of time is still at the end of time not all facets are in view of each other.

Now with all that information it seems likely that gaspar would have the knowledge and ability to nudge things to work in favor for the party to defeat lavos. However i doubt that would be the extent of his influence. How i am unsure as of right now, i would be willing to bet that project kid and the time crash was actually the work of belthasar WITH Gaspar. I would think that by the end of crono and crew's quest melchalor and Balthazar would realise where/when gaspar is. Wouldn't such a task such as saving schaala from the dream/time devourer require the minds of all three gurus? And who better to outline the basis of the plan than the guru who has a front row view to all possible outcomes?

Thats all o have right now because i am running on low sleep. If there is any confusion with what i have said i will try to clarify later.
Edit: sorry if this is in the wrong forum.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2015, 01:37:10 pm by MysticEntity »


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Re: Could gaspar be the fabled "entity"?
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2015, 03:42:05 pm »
Not wrong my mind... also i surpise him, but these can easy do with switchs... (now i am think progarmers... )

But i think... isnt somewhat said : all beginds nu all end NU?


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: Could gaspar be the fabled "entity"?
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2015, 06:42:06 pm »
I believe written on papers in enhasa or kajar is "all things begin with nu and end with nu. This is my belief... At least for now"