I tried to search if this was already on the site, but couldn't find it. Just in case...
So today I was reading up info on FFVI, and found a place:
http://www.cavesofnarshe.com/forums/ipb/index.php?showtopic=14264That talked about a V-Jump issue that had notes about pre-development stuff. You know, how characters and the like were or would have had before we see them in the final product, and stuff like that.
The thing had a part where Biggs and Wedge (the FFVI characters) answering a few questions (the post only has two, but I don't know how many actually were), and found one was:
"--Valigarmanda made you both disappear... so are you dead?
Biggs: We traveled through dimensions and ended up in Leene Square in Chrono Trigger!
Wedge: Bekkler found us and now we have new jobs. (haha)"
And then below is this note from the poster:
"Please note that this came out of the Jan. 96 issue, 2 months before Chrono Trigger was released in Japan."
Although I think it's mistaken there, since if it really was the Jan. 96 issue, then it was almost a year later. But anyway...
And well, that's it. Something really minor, but find interesting and amusing. Whether or not this was actually serious or just a joke... well, I guess it's up to personal interpretation. Not like this got mentioned again. That I know of, anyway.
But in any case, with the canonicity left ambigious I'm gonna accept that now as headcannon.