Author Topic: Crono's Bloodline  (Read 10577 times)

2-Tone Tony

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Crono's Bloodline
« on: December 01, 2015, 03:00:49 pm »
What's up, everyone.  So, I've finally registered here having been a shadow-member for years, and I wanted to put forth a theory I've had for quite awhile.  It has to do with Crono and exactly who his ancestors were.

Clearly we never got to meet his father and no one else seems to be related to him canonically from what I've found, but I postulate that he may be a descendant of Cyrus.

In the flashback just before Frog splits the entrance to the Magic Cave in half, we see Glenn getting picked on in Guardia Forest and Cyrus comes to his rescue.  Granted, he's a generic sprite for this scene, but we can glean a few things from it still.  I would assume he's around the same age as Crono is throughout CT in this scene.  He has red hair and is even wearing the same color tunic.

Later, we see him on Zenan Bridge, probably the most iconic sprite of Cyrus simply because it's unique.  His hair is less red, but it's spiked up and he's wearing a headband.  As far as I can remember, he and Crono are the only ones to use this motif within the game.

Another example is his character art, but we don't have a lot to work with here because of all the armor.  He DOES appear to have blue eyes and his face resembles Crono's.  Then again, that could just be Akira's art style and a lot of the male characters look similar.  I imagine he still has spiky hair under that helmet, though.

Other evidence includes the fact that they're both swordsmen and both presumably from Truce.  Nothing was ever mentioned about Cyrus having a wife or family, however I would assume he did considering his likely age at this point.  Although, a counter to this argument would be that if he DID have a family, chances are we would have met them at some point.

And I also think Frog almost immediately taking a liking to Crono might have to do with his resemblance to his old buddy.  That's a bit of a stretch, though, I suppose.

It's not a perfect theory, but it's just something I've had in my brain-pan for a long while.  Let me know what you guys think!   
Also, I'm super proud to finally be a part of this site officially and not just in the shadows.  Looking forward to it!


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Re: Crono's Bloodline
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2015, 08:52:37 am »
You know... It's a cool thought. Gina (Crono's mom) even matches with her blond hair and blue-ish eyes.
But I also think that if Cyrus had family we'd have a glimpse of them in the game when he went to look for Magus, begging him not go or something.
If not Chrono, maybe Dario and Glenn (the Chrono Cross one) could be related to Cyrus.

Man, I wish Cyrus had more scenes in Trigger.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2023, 04:14:50 pm by Pa »


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Re: Crono's Bloodline
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2015, 06:17:22 pm »
I can see it. Headcanon now.

In one of Glenn's flashbacks, we see him and Cyrus traveling to fight the Frog King for the Hero's Badge. During the fight, we see an NPC of a young woman behind Cyrus. Glenn's sprite has also been replaced by an identical young man with red/orange hair, and Glenn himself isn't present in this scene, oddly. I don't know who these two characters are, but maybe they have a connection to Cyrus.


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Re: Crono's Bloodline
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2015, 11:34:24 am »
I just re-watched that scene. I never noticed that. It's very odd. Those two characters come out of nowhere and Gleen is nowhere to be found. But it seems to be just a major overlook from the devs.

If anyone want to watch it, you can see it in this video, on the 6:00 mark:

EDIT: Now that I'm thinking about it, I think it's just Gleen. His hair color just changed because they did a color swap of the green of the whole scene. And the girl behind him, could be just someone the Frog King kidnapped.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 11:48:06 am by Pa »


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Re: Crono's Bloodline
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2017, 01:19:31 pm »
I like this theory, but yeah, all Cyrus does when he dies is ask to protect the queen, nothing about his kids.

Unless... he didn't know about them..?


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Re: Crono's Bloodline
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2017, 09:43:57 am »
Firstly welcome!

I do remember seeing these two NPCs  uring one of my playthroughs. I always just thought it was a couple of people Cyrus was saving from the Frog King. Seemed pretty cliche but why not?

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Crono's Bloodline
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2018, 05:21:56 pm »
Thread necromancy!

I actually think this is a great theory and flew under my radar until now. The evidence presented are interesting, if cosmetic only with no in-game "factage" to back it up:

(1) Teen Cyrus (who protects young Glenn in Guardia Forest) had red hair
(2) Young Adult Cyrus (who is seen with teenage Glenn on Zenan Bridge) has spiky hair (although not as spiky as Crono's) and a headband
(3) Both are sword-swinging hombres

The only hole I have to poke in this theory was that Cyrus was from Choras, not Truce as mentioned by OP.

It definitely brings about something to consider for headcanon! Myself and others had toyed with the theory that Leene could have had an illegitimate love child with Cyrus (those who would remember the defunct Angellus Errare: Heroes Unsung knew that this was a plot twist in the synopsis), but I hadn't ever considered Crono himself being an heir of Cyrus.

To be honest, I think early jRPGs almost always have wiggle room for expanding lore. This generation of games often had data/gameplay constraints and thus had less opportunity for non-mandatory exposition. Outside of a few outliers, it seems like character family structure was almost always left out. I definitely think that, hypothetically at least, Cyrus could have had a wife and/or child. It doesn't fit into canon with evidence, but it doesn't decry it, either.

I'm adopting this into headcanon. Done!


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Re: Crono's Bloodline
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2018, 07:32:32 pm »
I've heard of this theory and I think it's definitely plausible! Very interesting indeed.  :)


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Re: Crono's Bloodline
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2018, 07:50:19 pm »
The only hole I have to poke in this theory was that Cyrus was from Choras, not Truce as mentioned by OP.

As far as I can remember, we're never told where Cyrus is from.


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Re: Crono's Bloodline
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2018, 08:12:35 pm »
If my memory serves me right, when you do the Hero's Grave side quest, there is a line somewhere about Choras being Cyrus' hometown. I could be wrong though.

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Re: Crono's Bloodline
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2018, 08:25:51 pm »
Looking at the script, Cyrus is only stated to be Choras's guardian, since that's where his grave is (and once the side-quest is done, of course). Nothing about being his hometown, though.

If anything, it seems he was Guardian to begin with.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Crono's Bloodline
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2018, 08:31:27 pm »
Looking at the script, Cyrus is only stated to be Choras's guardian, since that's where his grave is (and once the side-quest is done, of course). Nothing about being his hometown, though.

It sounds like I am totally guilty of fan theorizing on a Chrono project inserted this into my brain. I stand corrected.

I always wondered how he would've come from Choras and ended up in Truce/Guardia. I guess that explains it -- his grave is simply there.

That being said, that raises the question of why he is buried in Choras and not, you know, in the country where he was a hero.

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Re: Crono's Bloodline
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2018, 08:44:14 pm »
It sounds like I am totally guilty of fan theorizing on a Chrono project inserted this into my brain. I stand corrected.

I always wondered how he would've come from Choras and ended up in Truce/Guardia. I guess that explains it -- his grave is simply there.

That being said, that raises the question of why he is buried in Choras and not, you know, in the country where he was a hero.

I would think by ship. Even if we never see it or we're told there is. I mean, Toma traveled from the mainland to Choras. I would think there is the means to travel, just not accesible to the party.

Maybe that's it. Glenn/Frog was the one who took him there. Perhaps he thought it would be demorilizing if he was buried near Guardia and someone found the grave. In-game, some NPC's still think Cyrus is still alive, after all. Choras is far enough away, and placing him in the northern ruins was deterrent enough, since ghosts haunt the place. Not the best plan, considering how Cyrus ended up at first, but it worked in concealing his death to the world.

But well, now that's just my headcannon as to why Frog did that.


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Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Crono's Bloodline
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2018, 11:26:28 pm »
It's mostly speculative, but as good of an answer as we could expect...

...but also brought this bad boy back up:

Wanting to hide the events, he bore Cyrus away to Choras (the possible hometown of Cyrus or Frog, based on comments in 1000 A.D.)

Now I gotta go look for the dialogue, doggonit!