Opening SequenceBlack screen.VOICE: Crono... Crono...
Note: Voice should be whispering and echoing, and indistinct as to its gender. In the next line it becomes clear.GINA: Crono!
CUT to CRONO'S ROOM. GINA is standing right next to CRONO's bed, with him in bed. The screen shakes a bit, with the sound of his bed moving. CRONO looks at his mom.CRONO (sleepy): Mom, would you quit shaking me like that...?
GINA steps back from the bed. Cue Music: Morning Sunlight.GINA: Well, you really shouldn't stay out with your friends so late!
GINA begins walking toward the window, then opens it while she speaks.GINA: I know you have a lot of fun with Lucca... But my goodness! You can waste time with her and Taban any day! The Millennial Fair only comes once, dear!
CRONO groans and stumbles out of bed, and falls flat on his face. Screen shakes again. GINA faces toward him.GINA: Now come on, get going!
GINA exits. CRONO gets up slowly and starts trudging toward the stairs, looking down as he walks.CRONO (muttering): Geez, stupid mom *mumble mumble* Lucca *mumble* Millennial Fair...
(Stops and looks up.) Wait, the Millennial Fair?!
(Runs toward the stairs Oh no, Lucca's gonna kill me!
CUT to CRONO'S KITCHEN. GINA is at the stove. Sizzling sound can be heard. Cue music: Peaceful Day. CRONO descends the stairs and runs for the door. While he's running, GINA turns toward him.GINA: Hey! Crono! Bring Lucca back and have some breakfast, okay?!
He's already out the door by the time she finishes talking. The wooden door is heard as it opens. GINA shakes her head and sighs, then turns back toward the stove. Fade-out.Fade-in on LUCCA'S LIVING ROOM. LUCCA is seen sitting on a Telepod unit (lower piece only), working on it. CRONO enters.CRONO: Lucca?
LUCCA jumps up and runs toward him.LUCCA: Crono! Hey!
CRONO walks toward the Telepod and takes a look from a few feet away, crossing his arms.CRONO: So is your thing ready?
LUCCA: It's CALLED a TELEPOD! And of COURSE it's ready! I'm just giving it a final tune-up before I take it to the fair.
(She walks around it, looking it over. Hmm... Actually, I think it's ready to go!
CRONO: Need any help?
LUCCA: That'd be great! Dad's already at the fair setting up the other pod. Oh! And don't forget this!
LUCCA runs to the counter and sits for a moment, then runs back to CRONO with his wood sword in her hand. She gives it to him.CRONO: Wh...
LUCCA: You want to try out my robot battle trainer, right? You'll need something to fight with!
CRONO holds it up, looking at it. (CUSTOM SPRITE)CRONO: You made this?
LUCCA nods.LUCCA: Sure did... Okay, you ready? Let's get moving.
CRONO sheathes his sword and approaches the south part of the unit, LUCCA approaches the north part. They both kneel, then stand, the Telepod unit moving up slightly. They walk toward the door, constantly facing the same direction. Fade-out, then fade-in on LUCCA'S HOUSE OUTSIDE. LUCCA is standing at the closed door (she just closed it). Crono is standing near the Telepod unit, which is just on the ground. They both get back in position to pick the unit back up.CRONO: So are you excited?
LUCCA: Yeah... Something big is gonna happen today! I can feel it.
Music fade-out. They pick up the Telepod unit as camera pans up, showing parallax background with Millennial Fair in the distance. CHRONO TRIGGER logo fades in. Cue music: SE-Predetermination, starting point 2:41. Background fades to black, and logo fades to black a few moments later.Fade in on MILLENNIAL FAIR. MERCHANTS are seen walking around their tents, giving the effect that they are setting up. No other people are around yet. CRONO and LUCCA enter, carrying the Telepod unit. Title fades in: "Episode I - The Millennial Fair." They continue north. As Leene's Bell comes into view, the screen fades out, leaving the title on screen momentarily. The title fades out as the screen fades in on the TELEPOD EXHIBIT, which just shows Crono, Lucca, and Taban walking around and generally messing with stuff. After they've done this for a few seconds, LUCCA and TABAN stand at the pods together facing south while Crono stands opposite them, facing north. LUCCA does her "teaching" animation for a moment, and then CRONO nods. He then waves, and exits. Fade-out screen and music.Fade in on GATO'S EXHIBIT. MELCHIOR is in the tent at the northeast corner. CRONO enters and approaches GATO. Cue music: Gato's Theme.GATO: Theeeeey call me Gato, I have metal joints, beat me up and earn 15 silver points!
Quick music fade-out. CRONO draws his sword and starts to strafe to his left. Cue music: Battle.CRONO: Wow, Lucca's really gone over the top on this one!
CRONO attacks GATO. His wooden sword shatters.CRONO: What the...?!
GATO punches CRONO once and knocks him down. Kill music. MELCHIOR jumps just a bit in surprise, and starts to run towards CRONO. Cue music: Gato's Theme.GATO: Yoooooou are so weak, and I'm so strong, I punched your lights out! Now run along...
Quick music fade-out. MELCHIOR stands just north of CRONO.MELCHIOR: Are you all right, boy?!
CRONO starts to get up.CRONO:
MELCHIOR: You took quite a hit there! Now let me take a look at you...
CRONO gets all the way up and faces MELCHIOR. MELCHIOR comes closer to CRONO.CRONO: Thanks... does it look?
MELCHIOR: Wow! You've got quite a black eye!
CRONO: What?!
CRONO faces south in his "surprised" sprite, and does have a black eye
(CUSTOM SPRITE). MELCHIOR moves to where CRONO was when his sword broke, and assumes his "thinking" sprite.MELCHIOR: And that sword just shattered too! What terrible workmanship, even for wood...
CRONO faces MELCHIOR.CRONO: Hey, who are you anyway?
MELCHIOR faces CRONO.MELCHIOR: Oh, I'm sorry! I am Melchior, a master swordsmith. I live on the continent to the east. Came to the Millennial Fair to sell my wares, you know.
CRONO: Ah, I see... Well hey, it was great to meet you, but I've got to get going so I can get back at the girl who built this thing.
CRONO begins to exit. He stops when MELCHIOR speaks...MELCHIOR: Hold on, young man. Let me just get you something from my inventory here...
MELCHIOR heads for the tent. CRONO faces him and shakes his head.CRONO: No, it's okay. I don't have any money.
MELCHIOR: Pardon me, in my old age my memory isn't what it used to be... But I don't recall saying that I would charge you!
MELCHIOR walks toward CRONO and gives him a new sword, which CRONO holds up to inspect in the same way he held the wooden one earlier. CRONO blinks in surprise as he speaks.CRONO: Wow... I don't think I've seen any sword this well-made before! Not even on the Guardia soldiers!
MELCHIOR: Well, you certainly seem to know a good blade when you see one! I'm going to head closer to the front of the fair... It's too dead back here.
CRONO sheathes the new sword.CRONO: Good idea. See you around, Melchior!
CRONO waves as MELCHIOR exits. CRONO waits for a moment, then quickly turns toward GATO and whips out his sword. Instantly, GATO lifts both arms up and readies his punching glove. CRONO sheathes his sword and shakes his head, then exits. Fade-out.Fade in on LEENE SQUARE, at entrance to GATO'S EXHIBIT. Camera is panning south, CRONO is seen running south, then turning east and running off-camera as the camera continues to pan south. The camera shifts to panning southeast, and CRONO runs onscreen from the north, and watches a race. He cheers them on for a moment (CUSTOM SPRITE; use arm animation from climbing anim, but with feet standing still).CRONO: Go green! Go green!
He continues to watch as a teenage girl and boy walk past him going north, talking to each other.GIRL: I wonder what that crazy Lucca has come up with this time...
BOY: Some funky pod or something like that, I think. Let's hope this actually WORKS.
GIRL: Shyeah, no kidding.
("Surprised" sprite): Oh man, I forgot! I'd better go and see how Lucca's doing!
CRONO runs north and the camera follows. As he nears Leene's Bell, MARLE enters from the east and they collide. MARLE'S PENDANT falls to the ground with a clinking sound.-----
OK, still need to select the music and when it comes in and out and all that...
Still need to finish this scene... If anyone wants to contribute, please do. I'm tired. *yawn* =P