I'm nearly visually completed here's the pics
https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/jsondag2/shared/firstroom.bmphttps://netfiles.uiuc.edu/jsondag2/shared/arena.bmphttps://netfiles.uiuc.edu/jsondag2/shared/foodroom.bmphttps://netfiles.uiuc.edu/jsondag2/shared/shops.bmpIt's a redone Guardia's Castle. Firstroom is where you walk in shops on the right, foodroom on the left arena straight ahead. There's only the exit where you walk in from, I blocked off all the rest. If there's minor visual problems (things not in a straight line or something) I'll fix them it's only my second day using the flux so I don't know all the shortcuts that make life easier.
I'm going to go through each room and give my plan. Feel free to rip it apart, I'm sorry about the length but I've seen some of the religious discussion in other topics so it's not that long by comparison.
Minor conversation, maybe they'll give the clue on how to get the special fights for higher levels (an item perhaps). Toma does not have to be here, I dont know the plan for him though I do know you need some reason to find someone named Toma in Marbule. It seems like this is the kinda place he'd visit though. The soup is used to recover hp/mp.
The shopkeeper on the left will sell basic tonics, ethers, shelters etc. The shopkeeper on the right will trade items for the prizes won at the arena. This system will be similar to the system used in 65,000,000 B.C.
The desk on the left will be to enter the arena. He'll have 3 choices (I think the flux calls them decisions) Fight alone, Fight together, Don't fight, each will go to an arbitrary(sp) for the code needed. The desk on the left will explain the rules of the arena and how to trade. You can only go through the door if you agree to fight. There'll be code that has the guy yell and the character's move back.
The blue imps do some animation (i was hoping moving an arm up and down). An enemy will be at the end of the hall, it would have been loaded in the code where you agree to fight. After fighting the enemy you "win" a prize (thanks to chickenlump for this) so we don't have to worry about what it drops. After getting the prize you either A. get asked if you want to go on by a random text box b. I put someone for you to talk to after the fight, either way if you choose go on that's when the next enemy gets loaded for you to fight, if you choose no the door at the bottom reopens.
Query: Is there a way to trigger code by winning a fight? That'll determind if the textbox just appears after the fight is over, though talking to someone would not be hard to implement.
Feedback, Concerns, Questions? Go nuts