Author Topic: Possible solutions for status-effects problem  (Read 5308 times)


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Possible solutions for status-effects problem
« on: July 15, 2016, 07:41:34 am »
Hello there.
I need some opinions and ideas about on which spot do you guys want to see status effects.

Here is the list of main status effects (excluding "Anti-%color%", "Turn-%color%" and various buffs/debuffs).

At first, I will describe 2 actual problems.

Some status effects just lack corresponding code. That is, some flags are never checked by game engine, probably just because Square did some mistakes in their core gamedesign architecture or they just lack time or whatsoever.
Let's see.

What's wrong there? Stamina.
Enemies haven't stamina, so flu'ing them is.. pointless, yes.
They CAN be flu'ed, but engine will never check it.

Everything seems okay, ye? Okay, stamina again. Twice.
Fatigued and Cursed status are NOT WORKING AT ALL when applied to enemies.
It's not even the end, I haven't really checked some things, maybe there are even more not working statuses. Also, those 3 stamina statuses are very similar, it's not an easy task to come up with ideas how they should work, but I definitely can fix it.

The problem is — balance and design aspects. For example Cursed can prevent enemies from making their Turn completely.

Another problem — status effects are just WEAK.
What I am trying to achieve is to make every aspect of the game (and especially battle system) worth to use, like, player should use every opportunity to win, but in the original game we can just spam one-two buttons ignoring everything else.
What do you guys think about future of status effects? In which situation you WANT to use particular status effect, against which type of enemy, etc.

Some effects are not really presented in the game. For example, Asleep effect is ultra-rare. I may not remember correctly, but probably Hi-Ho Tank's @Element Shot (White) is ONLY source of Asleep status in the whole game.

Share your thoughts, together we can make Chrono Cross if not perfect, but even greater than it is.

Just some news.
Curently thinking about letting player know how much time left for enemy to be affected by status-effect.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2016, 08:43:27 am by Danetta »


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Re: Possible solutions for status-effects problem
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2016, 10:07:50 am »
I may not remember correctly, but probably Hi-Ho Tank's @Element Shot (White) is ONLY source of Asleep status in the whole game

Well there is one other source. "Heart Color" (d541) which gives any one target all debuffs, that belong to their innate color, but... Asleep never puts any white to sleep. They have the crippled anim. But nothing.


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Re: Possible solutions for status-effects problem
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2016, 10:49:44 am »
I may not remember correctly, but probably Hi-Ho Tank's @Element Shot (White) is ONLY source of Asleep status in the whole game

Well there is one other source. "Heart Color" (d541) which gives any one target all debuffs, that belong to their innate color, but... Asleep never puts any white to sleep. They have the crippled anim. But nothing.
Yes, there actualy more than two sources, but it's still very rare effect.


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Re: Possible solutions for status-effects problem
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2016, 05:45:59 pm »
Danetta, could it be this is why Dreamer's Sarong doesn't do anything when given to a Doppelganger? They simply have no grid data?!